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11:20am, October 4th

"So what did Sean say?

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"So what did Sean say?." Robyn questioned Chris as they sat on his bed eating chocolate.

"It's almost gone. He thinks one more surgery and I can go home." Chris told Robyn before he threw a peace of chocolate at her.

"Cut it out Chris!" Robyn laughed before she did the same. "Can I ask you something?." Robyn questioned before she threw a peace of chocolate into her mouth.


"Do you ever think you'll find that special someone to have a life with? Like real love. Not just that quick fuck shit."

"I dream of having a girl to settle down with. Having a few kids and we will be living by the seaside."

"Why the seaside?." Robyn questioned as Chris grabbed a drink from his nightstand.

"Because I can take my kids to the seaside every day and at night it will be so beautiful so me and my future wife can just relax with some wine and just listen to the waves."

"Sounds nice." Robyn said before she sighed.

"What about you? What do you dream about?."

"First of all getting better. Second of all finally finding the right guy and hopefully settling down. We would have two kids one girl and a boy. And we will all be so happy and the house will be full of laughter and love. My house will never be full of sadness." Robyn told Chris before she started to feel upset. "But I'll never have that."

"Come on Rob. You will, I promise you." Chris told her before he rested his hand on top of hers.

"Chris, I'm dying! And I know I can get better but what if this illness comes back? Are you not scared of that?." Robyn questioned before she removed her hand from under Chris's.

"I am! Robyn I'm shitting myself every day for the news that I get that all clear. Then maybe in 6 months or so I'll have to come back here to start this shit all over again. But we got to stay positive. Can you try and do that? If not for you, then do it for me."

Robyn gave Chris a small smile before she looked up at him.

"Okay Chris, I'll try." Robyn told him before she got up from his bed. "I think I ate too much chocolate cause I'm not feeling too good." Robyn said as she started to walk to the door.

"Rob, maybe you should sit down for a second. It's the meds that are making you this way." Chris told her as Robyn felt her head spin.

"Chris, I-"

"Robyn!" Chris yelled as Robyn fell to the ground.

Chris rushed over her before pushing the alarm to let Sean know something had happened in his room.


Robyn woke up to see Sam next to her

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Robyn woke up to see Sam next to her. She smiled a little as she looked over to her right to see Chris looking relieved Robyn was awake.

"So we know chocolate and your meds don't mixed too good." Sam said causing Robyn to look at her.

"Am I gonna be okay?." Robyn questioned before she lifted herself up on the bed.

"You'll be fine Robyn. Just for a few days maybe lay off the sugar. It gives you high blood pressure! I'll leave you two to talk." Sam said getting up from the chair.

"I'm so sorry Robyn. I should have known!" Chris said after Sam made her way out of the room.

"Chris!" Robyn said before she rested her hand on top of his. "It's not your fault. Sam did warn me about high blood pressure with some of the pills. This could have happened to me at anytime." Robyn said before she looked up at Chris.

"I should have known. We take the same fucking meds-"

"Chris! Stop beating yourself up for this. This isn't your fault." Robyn told him as she placed her hand on his cheek.

Chris rested his hand on top of Robyn's hand that rested on his cheek. Robyn felt electricity as Chris lowered her hand from his cheek. Robyn bit down on her bottom lip before she swallowed a lump in her throat.

"I um, I should go." Chris told Robyn before he got up from the chair, as Robyn pushed some of her hair to the back of her ear.

Robyn said nothing as Chris made his way to the door. She was about to stop him before she decided against it. Whatever this feeling was it was new to her. If this is what true love felt like then Aubrey wasn't the one for Robyn! As she hadn't felt this way for him like she does with Chris.


Sorry for a short chapter. But hope you are enjoying the story so far ❤️.

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