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11:40am, October 20th

Chris and Robyn are finally well enough to go for that romantic weekend and they decided on going on November 1st

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Chris and Robyn are finally well enough to go for that romantic weekend and they decided on going on November 1st. They both know things can change from now to then but seeing that they are much better now, they are ready to go.

"How are things going with Robyn?." Joyce questioned Chris as she sat on the chair in the cafeteria.

"It's going amazing. She's a really great person mama! And hopefully we can all get together on Christmas Day, to celebrate as one family." Chris told his mother before she saw Robyn walk up to them.

"Hi Joyce! Hey baby!" Robyn said before she kissed Chris's cheek.

"Aww, you two are cute. I can't wait for grand babies!"

"Mama!" Chris said before Robyn had a chance to speak.

"Mama, we haven't thought about that yet." Robyn said. "We are just enjoying each other and maybe one day we'll talk about it."

"Plus we haven't even talked about the future." Chris said but he had lied to his mother. "We are just taking this one day at a time." Chris told his mother.

"Well I'm glad you both are just taking your time with this relationship. Robyn? Has your mother been to see you?."

"Yea, she came this morning at 9. But she's going to be busy for the next week so she's not gonna come in as much."

"Well I'll make sure I visit the both of you every day!" Joyce said before she held Robyn's hand.

Chris smiled at his mother and girlfriend as they seem to have a really tight bond. Chris got up from the table before he headed out of the cafeteria leaving Robyn and Joyce to chat. He had to go take his meds.


Robyn walked down the hallway before going into Sam's office

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Robyn walked down the hallway before going into Sam's office. When Robyn entered Sam's office she saw Chris sitting on one of the chairs and looked confused as she closed the door before she took a seat next to her man.

"The reason why I've asked the both of you to come here is that-" Sam paused before she cleared her throat. "I know you both want to have kids someday and well Robyn! I have just found out that you only carry one egg-"

"Wait? What? I um, I only have one egg?." Robyn questioned before Chris held her hand.

"So what does that mean? We only get one chance to get pregnant?." Chris questioned.

"If that! The treatments we do to stop this cancer from spreading it might keep you from getting pregnant also. But I don't want you to worry. You both will have a family one day and even if I have to carry the baby for you both I will!" Sam told them before Robyn felt tears in her eyes.

"I um, I don't know what to say." Robyn said before she held Chris's hand tighter.

"We'll figure this out okay baby. I ain't gonna let us leave this world without a part of us left in it." Chris told Robyn before he felt tears in his eyes.

"It just gets worse!" Robyn whispered to herself before Chris stood up from the chair.

"Can I- can I get a moment?." Chris said before Sam nodded her head.

Robyn looked over her shoulder as Chris left the room. Robyn felt sadder that Chris wasn't okay with the news they can only have one child or maybe no children if the chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments don't work for Robyn.

"Robyn, I know this is hard. But just give Chris time to get used to this news and I'll ask him to do the same. You both need some space." Sam told Robyn before Robyn got up from the chair.

Robyn said nothing. She walked out of Sam's office before heading into her room to try and let this news sink in her mind.


Robyn couldn't get to sleep, no matter how many times she tossed and turned. Tried to count sheep. She couldn't fall asleep! Robyn heard a knock at the door and saw Chris come into the room.

They said nothing to each other as Chris shut the door and climbed into Robyn's bed with her before Robyn turned around and laid on his chest.

Not a word was spoken as they slept in one another's arms. Chris kissed the top of Robyn's head letting her know how sorry he was for just walking out and leaving her for the rest of the day.


Sorry for another short chapter guys. I promise I'll make the next one a little longer, and P.S this next chapter will be their romantic getaway. But hope you are enjoying the story so far ❤️.

Please add this book to your library & reading lists. It will mean the world to me.

Thank you for the love & support ❤️.

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