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12:20pm, September 8th, 2013

Robyn held their first daughter in her arms as Chris went to call his mother then Robyn's mother to tell them Robyn had now given birth to "Chrissy Sunshine Brown" and they couldn't be more happier

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Robyn held their first daughter in her arms as Chris went to call his mother then Robyn's mother to tell them Robyn had now given birth to "Chrissy Sunshine Brown" and they couldn't be more happier.

Robyn looked at her newborn daughter and smiled, she still can't believe she's made a baby and a very gorgeous little baby! But the last 9 months haven't been all good for the couple....

Robyn almost lost Chrissy due to her cancer spreading. Now it's eating away at her body once again and Robyn doesn't know how much more of this she can take.

"You are the most beautiful baby in the world. And I promise you mommy and papa will be here for a long time. We are both fighting for you now Chrissy!" Robyn said before kissing Chrissy on her cheek.

"Hey you two!" Sam says coming into the room.

"Hey Sam! Um? Where's Chris?." Robyn questioned.

"He said he was going to talk to Sean about when his next scan is. He shouldn't be too long. How's Chrissy doing?."

"She's good. She's perfect!" Robyn said as Sam took a seat next to her.

"Robyn? Um I know this is a time for happiness. But we gotta talk about what's next. I'm so sorry but you've got to shave that beautiful hair off."

"I know!" Robyn whispered before a tear fell down her cheek.

Robyn kissed Chrissy on her cheek once more before thinking about how this will be her last few months on this earth. Robyn's body is getting weaker and she knows that. Robyn's finally come to terms with the fact she's dying.


Robyn sat in the bathroom in front of the mirror as Chris put his daughter down for a nap. He came in the bathroom with his hair shaver before kissing Robyn on her cheek.

"You ready for this?." Chris questioned before Robyn rested her hand on top of his.

"Yes!" All Robyn said before tears fell from her eyes.

She closed her eyes as she heard the shaver turn on, Chris took a breath before he shaved his fiancée's hair. Her now once dark hair was falling on the ground and Chris was hurt the most about this. He loved how Robyn's hair looked, smelled, but he's so grateful that Robyn asked him to do this for her. Chris held his own tears back before turning the shaver off.

"Okay, I'm done!" Chris said before Robyn opened her eyes.

Robyn cried as she saw that her beautiful hair was now gone. Chris held around her to comfort her as they both cried knowing Robyn was going to die any day now and they wasn't okay with that.

"I'm so sorry baby!" Chris said before he kissed Robyn's cheek.

"I don't wanna die." Robyn whispered but Chris heard her as more tears fell from their eyes.


Robyn and Chris laid in each other's arms in Robyn's hospital bed. Joyce took Chrissy back to her house for the evening, so Chris and Robyn could be together.

"I love you!" Robyn told Chris before she kissed his cheek.

"I love you more! I promise you we will fight this." Chris said but that was more of a lie to them now then the truth.


I'm so sorry for a very short chapter you guys, but I didn't know what else to put in this one.

Poor Robyn, she's not getting any better. Do you think they will become husband and wife before she dies?

Pray for her ❤️.

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