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4:20pm, September 15th

Chris hated seeing his fiancée this way

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Chris hated seeing his fiancée this way. Robyn was getting sicker, they both were. But Robyn was worse. Chris went up to Sam's office to ask her something important that will make Robyn feel just a little happier.

"Sam? Hey you got a second?." Chris questioned after he knocked on Sam's already open door.

"I've got all the time in the world Chris! What's up?." Chris bit down on his bottom lip before he sat down on a chair in front of Sam's desk.

"I know this might be a selfish thing to ask of you. But seeing that Robyn can't have anymore kids—"

"Chris, I told you I'd carry a child for you and Robyn and I meant it. Does Robyn know you are asking me?."

"She's not okay with it—" Chris took a breath as he felt tears in his eyes. "But this is the only way to try for a son!" He told Sam, as a tear came down his cheek.

"Go tell Robyn I'm gonna carry your next child." Sam said getting up from her desk.

She hugged Chris as he tried not to cry. He took a breath before clearing his throat. After they pulled away from the hug Chris got up from the chair and thanked Sam once more with a hug. He left Sam's office to go tell Robyn the good news.

"Rob? Hey babe I've got some news for you!" Chris said as he walked into Robyn's room to see her sitting up in bed.

"What's the news?." Robyn questioned weakly before Chris took a seat beside her.

"I've asked Sam if she can carry our next baby for us and she said she'll do it."

"Chris, I told you—"

"I know babe. But we both are not getting any better and you can't have anymore kids." Robyn felt tears in her eyes as she looked down. "Baby don't cry!" Chris told her picking up her chin.

"Chris, I don't want to die!" Robyn told him before Chris held her closer to him.

"You are not going to die. We will find a miracle, okay? My beautiful sunshine please don't give up." Chris told her before he placed a kiss on her head.

"I love you!" Robyn whispered before more tears fell from her eyes.

"I love you so much more baby!" Chris told her as he laid down beside her in Robyn's bed.


Robyn got up out of bed for what seemed to be the first time in a long time

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Robyn got up out of bed for what seemed to be the first time in a long time. She went to Chris's room where he and Joyce were looking after Chrissy. After Robyn stepped into the room she felt like her heart was about to burst as she feels really sad and guilty that she's not the one holding her newborn daughter.

"Can I hold her?." Robyn questioned as Chris got up with Chrissy in his arms.

"Why did you just ask Rob? You know you can hold your daughter at any time." Chris told her before Robyn took a seat on his bed.

Robyn took Chrissy out of Chris's arms. Tears came down from Robyn's eyes as she knew she wouldn't be able to hold Chrissy in her arms forever.

"This is harder then I thought." Robyn said before Chris sat down next to her.

Chris pressed his forehead against the side of Robyn's head before he shut his eyes to stop the tears from falling down. Joyce couldn't stop her own tears from falling down as she watched her son and soon to be daughter-in-law share this emotional moment with their daughter.

"We both gonna beat this illness baby, okay. I promise!" Chris told Robyn before he kissed her cheek.

Robyn tried her hardest not to break down, but it was harder then she thought. Especially knowing her daughter will grow up without her and Chris. But this was the new normal for Robyn and Chris, and they just hoped that they can enjoy every moment of their lives together for how ever long they have together.


As Chris and their daughter are both now fast asleep Robyn sat up in bed writing a letter for Chris so he can open once she's gone.

With every word Robyn puts down on the pad tears fall from her eyes as she writes her heart out with how Chris has changed her life for the better! Robyn looked over at Chris before she smiled at him, she leaned over and kissed his cheek before she whispered.

"I love you so much Christopher!" Robyn gives him another kiss on the cheek before she gets back to writing.


I apologise for the short chapter once again you guys, but I'm so glad you are enjoying this book.

With that said, this book is almost coming to an end. And I'm so sad we have to say goodbye to Robyn and Chris in the next coming chapters 😭💕.

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