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10:30am, October 8th

Chris has now gotten hit with the news that he's got an infection in his chest, and he is not too happy about it

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Chris has now gotten hit with the news that he's got an infection in his chest, and he is not too happy about it. Chris now seems like whenever he gets to feel a little better, god is punishing him for some unknown reason and Chris doesn't know what he's done to deserve a life like this.

Chris decided to go down to the little church they have at the hospital to ask god why he would do this to him. Chris got on his knees before taking a breath.

"I don't know why you are doing this to me. But why me? Why Robyn? Why any of us? If you want us to live a happy and healthy life why are you taking our lives away from us? Why do we have to die? Why can't we just live without anything getting in the way of our happiness? I know you can hear me!"

Chris took a deep breath before he continued.

"Now I got this stupid chest infection! Was this your plan? Making me feel hopeful then take it away? I-I don't know what to do anymore!"

Chris ended his rant by saying. He got up from the ground and turned around to walk out of the church.

After he went back to his room he decided to go see if Robyn was okay. Robyn has been avoiding him ever since she passed out from high blood pressure. Was she embarrassed? Or was there more to the story? Chris knocked at her door but there was no answer. When he opened the door Chris saw there was nobody in there.

Confused as fuck Chris headed down the hall to see if he could find Robyn. When he got to the cafeteria he saw Robyn talking to his mother as they enjoyed a hot drink together.

"Ohh Chris! There you are!" Joyce said as Chris pulled up a chair to seat beside Robyn.

"You guys good? Robyn I see you've met my mama!" Chris said feeling like he should start running a any moment as he's scared that Joyce will start to tell Robyn stories about when he was a child.

"Yeah, um I'm just gonna say sorry in advance Chris. I told your mom about the infection. I overheard Sean talking to one of the doctors this morning." Robyn said but she didn't give Chris any eye contact.

"I only found out yesterday and I knew you were busy mama. So that's why I didn't tell you." Chris told Joyce as she rested her hand on top of her son's hand.

Every Sunday Joyce goes to the church to help out. She's been going there ever since she was a teenager with her mother and sister. Even in her 40s Joyce still goes to the church to help out and she pray that Chris will get better every Sunday at the end of her shift when it's just her.

"Anyway more to the point. Has my mom been tellin' you stories about me?." Chris questioned Robyn before she finally looked at him.

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