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Ann 's POV

The last time I visited her a few months ago .From that day on I have been finding ways to visit her , as she does not likes me coming unannounced as well as without a purpose . But this time I am not going to hear her on this.

I still remember the last time I visited her .

****Flashback ****

The door opened and to my surprise I saw Ella greeting me not Akira , as she always used to do that.

" Hi Ella dear , where is Akira ? " I asked straightaway .

" She will be right with you " she replied and left .

I entered the drawing room where in Mr and Mrs Robel were eagerly waiting for me , they greeted me and directed me to the couch . I sat on it .

" So is everything ok with Akira? " I asked nervously

" Actually nothing from the unusual actually, but as you know her grades are going down . So if she could get some extra help " said Romana.

" Oh I see " I replied and with that I took out a envelop filled with money and passed it to them .

Mr Robel starts to count it , when he finishes counting he says something to Mrs Robel' s in her ear and they both excuse themselves and goes to the adjacent room to talk .

" How much is it ?" asked Mrs Robel , even though they had gone to the other room but I could clearly hear them .

" Its just double the money we asked for , thats great right?" replied Mr Robel excitingly .

" But I was thinking we could take more from her , if we ask her to give more for the tuition lessons .What do you think ?

" I think its perfect . And I was thinking that the time has come to cut Akira's monthly allowance and you know how can we do this by giving her option in between and no school " Mr Robel said with a chuckle .

" You are right we can do that , but what will happen after she finishes her high school? , you know that she wants to go to some fashion college in California . What will we do then? " Mrs Robel said in a sad voice .

" Don't worry dear , I have got everything planned out , we wont let her go to California or anywhere and Ann won't even object to it , as we have already told her she is weak in studies " he said with a confidence in his voice .

" You are such a evil person , only because of that we have got everything we need . Your idea was fantastic of bringing her home , eventually it was a very difficult task to convience them , but everything has paid off at the end " she said happily.

When they entered the room they looked so sad , that it felt they were talking about someone's death , but I knew what they were doing . I was so furious I just wanted to kill them with my bare hands but I had to be calm , so that they don't suspect me , of know everything.

Just them I heard a knock on the door and there comes my little Akira . With swelled up eyes , sad face even though she tried her best to show me otherwise .

" Hi Ann , how are you ? " she asked without looking me into my eyes.

" I am good ,how are you ? How's school going ? " I asked calmly with giving her directions to sit beside me.

" Everything is fine Ann " she replied , in a monosyllable and I knew I had to talk to her alone .

" Can I please , talk to her alone " I asked .

" We are all family , what's there to hide " replied Mrs Robel suspiciously but then Mr Robel said " Its alright we will step out and leave you two alone " he got up to leave with taking his wife by her elbow .

" Its not necessary , we can go to Akira's room to talk " I said but just then Akira stopped me with her hand and said " Its fine here "

When I looked up I saw Mr and Mrs Robel's taking deep breaths and moving out of the room.

" Akira darling , are you ok ? I am very worried about you , look at your eyes it looks like you have been crying " I asked her.

" I am fine , its just that " she said and then stopped in the middle of the sentence and looked into my eyes in order to find courage , but she could not anymore hold herself and she broke down , just like a glass with lots of small broke pieces.

I took her in my arms and asked " Why are you crying Akira ? " she just sniffed and said " Because I miss you so much "she again continued with her crying .

I did not asked her anything anymore as by her outburst she gave a lot of answers .At that time I promised myaelf that I will do something for her .

****end of flashback ****

This update is a quick one for my patient readers . I hope you all like it .

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