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"Willow you need a baby shower!" Karmen huffs crossing her arms. I ignore her and continue to rub the lotion on to my stomach.

"Karmen if she doesn't want one she do-no! She needs one! Willow think about it, it would be small and cute, and then you can do a gender reveal since you refuse to tell us what you're having!" I rolls my eyes and put my shirt on.

On cue, Rosalie walks in, "you ready to go?"

"Please. Karmen's talking my ear off."

"You're lucky you're pregnant because I really want to pinch you." I smile and grab my bag.

Rosalie is taking me to her home for another check up.

Carlisle wants to make sure my diet is working, and see if any changes have happened.

"Come on, let's go."

We climb into her car, and begin the drive.

"Jasper told us he talked to you, he didn't hurt you did he?" I shake my head.

"No...he just told me he accpects my decision. I know I shouldn't care what he thinks but it does mean a lot."

She gives me a nervous look.

"Are you planning on forgiving him?"

"I don't know. I sound like a broken record but he hurt me a lot Rose...I don't know if I could ever forgive him. Let's say I do, people would think I'm an idiot, hell I would think I'm an idiot." She sighs out and gives me a quick glance.

"We wouldn't think you're an idiot, but we would question it...I can tell you still love him. I was told you couldn't break your bond with him."

"I want to blame that on them, it's like they knew." I mumble rubbing over my stomach.

We eventually arrive, and walk into the house.

Bella is here.

Her eyes widen seeing my stomach but she doesn't say anything.

She doesn't know about my pregnancy. I told them I didn't want her to know. It seems like Edward ignored that. "Willow, how have you been?" Carlisle asks.

"I've been ok, they have been ok." A smile makes its way on to my face.

"Wait you're pregnant? How?" I ignore Bella's questions and follow Carlisle to his office.

I climb on to the table and sit back, getting comfortable.

"Alright, last time you were in, you told me the diet was working. Has anything changed?" He opens up his laptop and begins to type.

"Not really, it's still working but I noticed I need more to be fulfilled." He writes something's down on his notepad.

"Makes sense, they have been use to human blood so the transfer is leaving them more hungry. they are getting bigger as well. Have you tried actually eating?" I shake my head.

"I don't want to throw up." He calls Esme in, mumbling in her ear for a few seconds before she scurries out.

"Ok. Lie back so we can do the-" the door creeks open and Jasper comes into view.

"Son we-I just want to be here for the ultrasound, if that's ok."

Carlisle looks over to me, asking for my permission.

Jasper stares at me with longing eyes, I can't help but to give in.

"Ok... but stay over there." He says nothing as he walks to the furthest corner of the room.

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