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I'm shocked.

Since I've been back, Willow has made it a point to let me know she hates me and will never forgive me.

But now here I am, laying in my bed, with her against me.

It feels like heaven.

I thought I would never get to experience this again.

I don't deserve to.

So I'm enjoying it while it lasts. I'm sure when she wakes up she will pull away from me and tell me it was a one time thing and won't happen again.

I run my hands through her hair, holding her tightly, breathing in her scent. Now that she's pregnant, her scent has changed.

She smells of wildflowers and citrus, with hints of cherries.

I love it. I've always loved the way she smelled.

My eyes drift down to her stomach and I smile.

"You need to ease up on your mother, you're hurting her...she doesn't deserve it. She's been through so much already." I mumble lightly grazing over her protruding bump.

I feel slight movement and I smile, "she needs sleep. Last time she didn't get enough sleep she almost tore your aunt Karmen's head off. You got lucky with her crying."

I decide to let my hand fully rest on her skin, "I'm sorry things are like this at the moment...I'm doing my best to fix it. I promi-who are you speaking to?" I pull my hand back and look down at Willow who is slowly waking up.

"Them, I was telling them to cut you some slack. We don't need you angry and tired. It's not a good combination."

"I blame the girl, she's the one causing all this damn ruckus." Her eyes are still closed as she speaks. I smile lightly.

She always looked beautiful while sleeping.

I feel myself getting sad staring at her so I look away, "did you still want a popsicle? I had Esme grab some for you."

She slowly opens her eyes and stretches. "No, I want green grapes." I frown knowing we don't have any grapes.

"How about I have Rose grab some on her way home, and you can have a popsicle for now?"

She stares at me with a unsatisfied look.

"Wi-fine. But I want two bags." I crack a small smile and watch as her hands go to her stomach.

"How do you feel?" She sits up and sighs out.

"Better. Your scent eased the pain and I was able to fully sleep....I hate it." I look down.

"I hate that I'm so scared of being hurt by you again, but at the same time, I hate that I feel this need to be so close to you." Hearing her sniffle makes me look at her.

"You caused me so much pain Jasper. Mentally and physically. I didn't deserve any of that." I can hear the pain in her voice, it hurts me.

"You're right, you didn't and I'm sorry."

She gives me a sad smile, "why is it that when you say sorry I don't believe you?"

I slowly grab her hand and run my thumb over it, "because I've hurt you and lied to you so much. I can feel your pain, and it's killing me but it's my fault. I caused your pain and I'm going to do everything in my power to fix it." She let's out a sob making me sit up and hold her face.

"You told Alice you loved her! Why! Why don't you love me!"

I shake my head and wipe her tears, "I don't know. I don't know and I'm so sorry I don't have an answer for you. But I do know that I love you. It's hard to believe and it's hard to hear but I love you so much. I love everything about you. I love your ability to care for your family, I love the attitude you give, I love your strength, I love the way you smile, the way you frown. I love that you're having our kids. You're all I could ever want and need. I'd die for you if need be."

Our foreheads touch and I look into her glossy eyes.

"Please let me make it up to you. Please. I don't want to go through this any longer....please."

I was never the one to beg, but for her I would get on my knees.

She hesitantly nods making me close my eyes in relief. I plant a kiss to her forehead and pull her into a hug.

"I-I don't forgive you fully....you have to work for it, you have to work for everyone, including our kids."

"And I'll do just that."

Little bit • Jasper hale Where stories live. Discover now