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"Nothing is wrong with the babies. They are all healthy as well as you. I think your body is finally realizing it's pregnant so it's adjusting. It's normal to be in pain." Carlisle begins to take off his gloves.

" Are you sure?"

He smiles and nods, "I'm sure. All of you are fine. " I sigh out, the worry leaving me.

"How did you fall?"

The thought of Bella angers me. "Bella pushed me because she was mad I knew about Victoria and she didn't." He sucks in a sharp breath.

"I'm sorry our decisions caused this. I will have a talk with her." I roll my eyes and climb off the table.

"You say that but she keeps testing me. No one will be satisfied until she's dead by my doing."

Carlisle gives me a look, "how about we keep up the act of being good." I mimick him as I pull my shirt down.

We walk out of the office and go to the kitchen where a bunch of groceries are on the island. "Willow! I had Rose and Emmett grab a bunch of food for when you come over! I want to be prepared for your cravings."

I walk over and look through the bags.

I find what I'm looking for and smile.

My grapes.

I start eating the grapes and moan in delight.

Something's missing though.

I turn to Jasper who is already staring at me, "can you get my popsicle?"

"You said you wanted grapes?"

"And I want my popsicle too. Are you telling me no?" I didn't mean to have an attitude but I caught one.

He grabs the popsicle and hands it to me, "thank you." I happily take the cold treat and sit down.

"Do you think when your bump gets bigger you could rest stuff on it?" We all look at Emmett.

"What? Free shelving!" Rose sighs and sits next to me.

As I get halfway through my snacks, Bella and Edward walk in.

"We have a problem." Edward states. He looks angry. His eyes are black and he's clenching his hands.

Carlisle looks over Edward in confusion before directing everyone in to the livingroom.

As we file in to the cozy room, Rose pulls me away from Jasper, and closer to her.

"Edward, explain what happened?"

Edward goes on this whole tangent about noticing a unfamiliar scent in Bella's home.

"Maybe she's cheating on you." I Mumble. I'm still pissed about her pushing me.

"If I recall that was Jasper cheating on you."

I close my mouth and look away from him. He got me there.

"Who is it? Was it someone we know?" Carlisle asks trying to stay on topic.

"Just a stranger...I didn't recognize his scent."

"A nomad passing through?" Esme questions.

"A pass a by Wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." Rose states as she drapes a blanket over me. I smile at her as a thank you.

"The scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's home." Edward runs his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Someone's orchestrating this." Carlisle rises to his feet and brings Esme closer to him.

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