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"You kept this from me?" I groan hearing Bella raising her voice.

"It's too early for this shit. I'm tired and my body hurts." I mumble slamming the door. "What is she even yelling about at 7:30 in the morning?" Kaydence huffs as she slams the door.

I roll my eyes and start walking into the school building. "Willow! Did you know about this?" I turn to Bella in confusion.

"Know about what? It's too early for you to be shouting."

"Did you know about Victoria?"

I groan in annoyance, "Bella, for once I don't feel like fighting with you, please leave me alone."

She gasps and looks at Edward and Jacob in shock, "how come she knew and not me! Willow why didn't you tell me?"

"I literally found out like two days ago! Chill out."

She starts yelling at me but I'm not listening. I'm too tired for this. All night the babies kept moving, preventing me from sleeping.

Next thing I know I'm pushed back, and my body hits the ground. "What the fuck is your problem?" Karmen shouts.

I'm in shock for one, but I'm also in too much pain to move. Karmen and Kaydence are so busy going off and trying to fight Bella, they don't help me up.

Jasper appears infront of me and he looks worried. "What's wrong, are you hurt?"

My eyes burn from the tears forming, "I'm tired and my whole body hurts and I really want a popsicle." I sniffle out.

He looks confused at my last comment, "ok, can you stand up?" I shake my head and quietly begin to cry.

He looks conflicted, "I'm going to pick you up. Is that ok?" I probably would have said no in any other situation, but I don't care at this point.


He quickly scoops me up, bridal style. "I want Carlisle to check on you." He mumbles.

"No I want to take a nap!" I whine out. "Ok, ok that's fine. How about I bring you to my house so you can sleep, and then Carlisle can give you a check up."

I nod and allow him to carry me to his car. He sets me down and straps me in. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Izzy asks running over.

"Bella pushed her and I think she's hurt. She needs to see Carlisle. Argue with me later." He growls out. He closes my door before getting into the drivers seat

He begins the drive to the Cullen home, constantly looking over at me in worry, as I silently cry.

We soon arrive and he brings me inside. "Jasper? Willow?" Esme gasps seeing us. "What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Bella pushed her and she couldn't get up. Call Carlisle, I'm going to lay her down so she can rest." He mumbles carrying me up the stairs.

He opens a door and I'm immediately hit with his scent. In an odd way it eases the pain.

He lays me down on the bed and instantly my muscles relax. I groan out in satisfaction.

The bed is soft and I feel myself sinking in to the mattress. "I'm going to go downstairs and wait for carli-stay...please?" I find myself begging.

I don't know why I'm reacting like this. I haven't wanted him around me for the longest time for obvious reasons and now here I am, begging for him to stay and comfort me.

"Ok...I'll stay. I'm going to stay right here." He sits down in chair but I stop him. "Lay down with me... I need you to lay down with me."

I don't think it's me talking at this point. It's evident at least one of the children are attached to him, and they need to be close.

He gives me a look, "a-are you sure? You haven't wanted me around..."

"Please, I-I need you."

He says nothing as he walks over to bed and lays down. He keeps enough distance between us but it doesn't satisfy me....or them I should say.

I pull him closer and lay my head on his chest. I take a deep breath, inhaling his scent as much as I can.

With each breath, I find myself relaxing, slowly falling asleep.

Little bit • Jasper hale Where stories live. Discover now