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"Willow please! I'll do anything!" I contiue to ignore Rose, as I clean my room.

"Willow, I will die if you don't come!"

"And I'll die if I have to be around Alice and the rest of the student body."

For the last hour, Rose has been trying to convince me to go to the graduation party Alice is throwing.

It's not even the fact that I hate Alice and don't want to be around her, there's other reasons.

"No you won't Willow! Ple-" I slam my pillow down in frustration.

"I'm not going Rose! Last time I went to a party she threw, I was raped by my boyfriend in the woods!" She looks away from me and I sigh out.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone off like that."

"No I'm sorry, I should have thought about that before I asked." I wave her off and finish making my bed.

I soon finish cleaning with the help of Rose, and I sit down. I notice she's looking at her phone a lot and in peaks my interest. "Ok, you have looked at your phone about five times in the last two minutes. What's going on?"

She looks at me like a deer caught in headlights.


"Ok fine! Jasper made me not tell you but basically they caught wind of Victoria and they are tracking her right now. Everyone else is with them as well."

My eye twitches.


"Karmen, Delilah, Kaydence, Luke, Alec, Izzy...the pack." I jump up and begin to put on my shoes. "Willow no! You need to sit down!"

"Fuck that!" I rush down the stairs and rush to my car. I try to start it but it won't turn on. I climb out of the vehicle and stare at it in confusion, "he removed the battery..."

I want to scream.

Rose is holding her keys so I can't take her car. I think quickly. I rush back inside and grab the keys to my bike. I rush back outside and climb on to the bike.

"Willow you are pregnant! You can't drive a bike!" I can tell Rose is losing it, but at this point, I don't care.

Just as I rev the engine, Rose shouts. "Ok! I'll drive you! Just get off the bike!"

I ignore her and start my fast trek to the house in the woods.

I make it with Rosalie hot on my tail. I stop the bike and climb off just as the Cullens and everyone else arrives.


"What are you doing on your bike?"

I march up to them and begin going off. "Forget the damn bike! Why would you not tell me about Victoria being here? Why would you keep that from me?"

"You're preg-I don't give a fuck if I'm pregnant! I don't give a fuck if I was dying! I deserve to know! Out of everyone here I deserved to know what was going on!" I turn to Alec who's refusing to look at me.

"You are my bestfriend and you kept this from me?"

"Please don't be mad."

"Mad? Oh I'm fuming!" I turn to Jasper and growl.

"And you! You took my damn car battery! How dare you tell them not to tell me! What gives you the right? They don't even like you! Karmen wants you dead!"

"Still do!" I snarl and she shuts her mouth.

"Be mad at me all you want. I wanted you and my children safe. You wouldn't think rationally!"

"And you did? Both you and muscle man over there almost go yourselves killed." Kaydence mumbles.

Jasper closes his eyes and sighs out.

"Someone tell me what happened right now or I will make it my life's mission to hurt all of you right now. Starting with you first!" Jasper says nothing.

"Tell me and I will think about forgiving you." A smirk makes it's way on to his face and I can't help but to be bothered.

His smirk was always attractive to me. The way his lips curl, his eyes lowering slightly.

I hate it.

"You're lying."

"And how do you know that?" I cross my arms.

"Because as much as you hate it, I know you. When you want something from me you bat you eyes and smile."

My face drops in shock. He's right.

Whenever I wanted something, I would bat my eyes and smile, making my voice sound sweeter. It always worked, especially when I wanted new clothes.

His smirk grows and I scoff, "you're wrong! I don't do either of those things."

"You literally just did it." Juno states.

"You shut your mouth! I did not!"

"Hate to break it to you, but you did."

"No I didn't Juno!"

"Uhh yes you did!"

We go back and forth for a few minutes before someone steps in.

Jasper grabs my arm and pulls me close to him, "ok, let's go talk this out."

The thought of being alone with him makes me uneasy.

"We can stay out here, and everyone else can go inside if that makes you feel better."

Hesitantly, I agree. Everyone files inside while me and Jasper stay outside.

"Start talking." I demand.

"Alice-" I find myself growling at the mention of her name.

"She had a vision of Victoria running through. We decided we should try and catch her. Carlisle brought up needing help so, Rose asked everyone. I told her not to tell you because I didn't want you getting hurt. Was I wrong for that? Yes. Am I sorry? No. You can hate me all you want but I'm keeping you and our children safe."

I find myself calming down. I can't tell if it's my own doing, or him.

"Are you using your gift on me?"

"I haven't used it on you in a long time." He admits.

I nod and look down at my shoes, "I...I understand why you kept it from me, but I'm still pissed at you...for multiple reasons." He nods along to my words.

"I know...can you at least forgive me for this one?"

This isn't the worst thing he has done.

"Ok...I forgive your for keeping this from me."

"It feels nice hearing those words from you." I smile sadly at him.

"Yeah Well, that's the only one you're getting. Now put my damn car battery back in or I'm beating your ass!"

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