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"I can't believe she touched your stomach!"

"I would have killed her!"

"Everyone knows you don't touch a pregnant woman's stomach!"

The girls are in my room, helping look through catalogs.

"I wanted to kill her but I'm trying to be good." I mumble as I flip a page. I smile seeing a white crib.

"I want this one ." I circle it with a smile on my face. "Willow, you circled like five cribs." I shrug and circle another crib.

"Ok enough of the baby items, what's going on with names? Have you thought of some?" Karmen snatches the catalog from me making me frown in annoyance.

I grab my cup and take a sip of the warm liquid.

"Mmm not really. I know I want one of their names to start with a w for my father. The girl will have my mothers name as her middle." They all smile at me.


"You finally told us at least one gender! You're having a girl!" I smile at them.

"Ok, what about Melissa for her?" I refrain from making a face. Kaydence looks proud about the fact she came up with it,so I don't want to bring her down.

"Melissa? Kaydence please look at Willow and think if she would name her daughter Melissa." Kaydence does so and frowns.

"You're right, not a good choice."

"Ok what about Serenity?" I think about it for a few seconds. "I'll keep it on the list, it's number one for right now."

Izzy smiles in accomplishment.

Eventually Amethyst walks in with a box, "what's that?" Karmen asks.

"This is a gift for Willow." She sets the box down on my bed.

It's a big box, I don't know what could be in it.

I look at the tag and my heart drops.

"Who's it from?" Delilah asks.

I stare at the gift silently.

"I'll look....oh..." Karmen looks at me with sad eyes.

"It's from aunt Harmony and uncle Will...."

Amethyst walks over and rubs my back in a caring manner, "you don't have to open it right n-no...I want to open it." I wipe my tears and and begin opening up the package.

Immediately I'm met with a note.

Dear baby girl,

We're so sorry for everything you went through. It killed us to not be there with you, helping you through all your hardships. I wanted to wrap you in my arms and hold you like you were still a baby. You are my baby. always. Your father wanted to tear him to shreds, but your grandfather told him not to. As he always says, everything happens for a reason.

But that's not with this is about, this is about or baby having a baby, or babies I should say! Your father almost passed out finding out you're pregnant. He still sees you as his little 4 year old partner in crime who would steal cookies at night, and beg him to take you to the aquarium. I don't fault him for that, I still see you as my little 6 year old who would claim she was a grown up, but would crawl into my arms at the sound of lightning. You're always going to be our little girl. I keep getting sidetracked so I will get to the point.

I know you're scared, I may not be there but I'm still your mother. I know when my baby is scared. And I'm telling you, you don't have to be. I know it's scary to be pregnant, and not have parents there (trust me, I know) but you aren't alone. You have your aunt, your cousins, your friends, your grandparents, and me and your father in spirit. We are all here to support you. I also know you will have your doubts on being a good mother, and I want to tell you something, you will be a wonderful mother. Your instincts will kick in and you will know what do. You will know when their scared, when their hungry, tired, sad, happy. You will know what to do.

I can't wait to see you flourish with your new family. I'm excited to see what you name them and how all of you grow up.

I think I've said everything I need to say. I gifted you a few things but your father is writing his own letter so read that next.

I take a deep breathe and wipe my tears once again. I needed this.

I needed something from her teling me it will be ok and I'm not alone.

I set her letter aside and begin to read my fathers.

Dear tree stump

YOU ARE GROUNDED YOUNG LADY! YOU ARE GROUNDED FOREVER! Three kids? I'm going to have grey hairs! Your mother is yelling at me to change what I said but you and I both know I'm messing with you. She never got our jokes, but that's how our relationship worked.

You know I'm not good with writing, remember when you needed help writing an essay and it was my fault you failed? Thankfully your mother helped you rewrite it. I'm getting side tracked so I will try to stay on topic.

I want to apologize to you. I made a vow to you when you were in your mother stomach, to always protect you, keep you safe. I failed, I failed as a father.

When I saw what he did to you, how he left you, I was so angry. I tore everything apart. I plotted, I plotted to kill him and make it hurt as much as he hurt you. Your grandfather stopped me, he told me everything happens for a reason, but that shouldn't have happened. My baby, my partner in crime, my tree stumped named Willow...it killed me knowing I wasn't there to help you.

And then your cousins trying to kill you? I was going crazy. Your uncle Nik was so proud saying his kids finally did something good...your grandmother had to tear us apart. I sat in your room, crying, pleading for everything to finally be ok. I can't bare to see you go through so much and me and your mother aren't there.

But you're a Gardner, you're strong. Even if it was a facade, you pulled through. I don't fault you for what you did...I could never. Even when you colored on the walls and swore at your mother for the first time, I was never able to be mad at you or disappointed.

I'm proud of you baby girl, I'm proud of you for constantly pulling yourself out of the gutter, I'm proud of you for standing your ground, and I'm proud to call you my daughter.

Now on to the most important part, IM GOING TO BE A GRANDAD! I'm so excited that I will be but I'm sad my tree stump is growing up! It's a bittersweet moment.

I personally think you should name one of them after me! William jr sounds great if you ask me.

I have to hurry, your mother is rushing me because I've been writing this for two days and she wants to send your gift.

I love you Willow, forever and always...

I set the letters down and begin to open the gifts. The first item I'm met with causes a me to frown.

It's a white flowy dress.

"Oh dear..." I look at Amethyst in confusion.

"Why did she gift me a dress?"

"It's her birthing dress.... She wore it when she gave birth to you. I made the dress for her." I smile at the thought. "Well now we don't have to find one for me." I set the dress on my bed and reach back into the box.

The next thing I pull out is a crown. I've stared at this crown a lot when I was younger. Always begging to wear it, only to be told not yet.

"Her birthing crown...." I lightly touch the thorns adorning the roses.

"Are you going to wear it? You don't care for roses." Izzy asks.

"I'll wear it, no changes...it feels right." Amethyst takes the crown from me, mumbling about putting it in a case.

The last items in the box are four teddy bears. Three being brand new, but one I recognize from childhood.

It's my strawberry bear. I got it when I was young for Christmas. It's pink and smells like strawberries. I begged for it for what seems like months. I remember opening it on Christmas Day, crying tears of happiness.

I thought it was gone in the fire.

"Can...can I be left alone?" I ask, my eyes still stuck on the bear.

The girls silently grabs their items and leave the room. As soon as my door closes I cry out.

I hold my bear close as I allow my sobs to leave my body.

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