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It's been a week since Alec and I had our debacle.

His words really hurt.

Part of me wants to belive they aren't true, want to belive Jasper truly is sorry and that he loves me. The other part does belive that he only wants me back because I'm pregnant.

Maybe Alec is right.

Alice can't get pregnant, it would make sense for him to only want me back for that reason.

In my week of self loathing, Rose has kept me updated with what's going on. They take shifts guarding Bella until the pack takes over.

From what she has told me, it seems like Bella loves this, having people constantly look over her.

More so Edward and Jacob fighting over her that is.

"Willow?" I look away from my book and at Juno, who looks scared. "Yeah?"

"Did...did you want to come to the council meeting with me and mom?" I shake my head.

"Ok let me rephrase, I need you to come to the meeting with me and mom."

I sigh and throw my book down.

"Juno I don't want to go. I want to stay in bed and rel-Juno?" I frown seeing the tears roll down her face.

"Hey, what's wrong? Talk to me."

"I'm scared... since Seth shifted I haven't even looked at him, and he somehow convinced mom to bring me to the council meeting!"

I frown in confusion, "I'm not understanding the issue."

"The issue is that I'm scared he won't imprint on me! What if I show up and he doesn't? We're still together and it would break me because he's my mate! I need you to come because you're the only one who would get it if things go wrong!"

She's right.

I stand up and pull her into a hug, "alright, I'll go. If things don't go right we will come back here and I will force you to eat my pregnancy cravings. Peanut butter and KitKats. Let me get ready."

I take a quick shower and throw on leggings and a hoodie.

I walk downstairs and see Amethyst getting food together. "Willow? Are you coming with me and Juno?"

"I'm there as support if Seth doesn't imprint on her." She gives me a sad smile before we head out.

As we arrive, Juno holds my hand tightly.

"Hey, let's get some food and sit down, yeah?" She takes a deep breath and we walk over to the table.

Even though the food looks delicious, I don't grab any. I don't feel like throwing up."I made you your own plate, very special." I smile at Amethyst and take the plate from her.

"You know I'm surprised you aren't a vegetarian. The way you communicate with animals and such." I state, watching Juno grab a burger and a hot dog.

"Cows just taste g-Juni?" She freezes.

I turn and see Seth.

He has his head shaved, and a tribal tattoo.

It's obvious he's apart of the pack now.

"Juni can we please talk? Why have you been ignoring me?" Juno slowly turns around and doesn't look at him.

"Juni...look at me?" Juno finally looks at him and Seth stops.

A smile makes it's way on to my face.

He imprinted.

"I don't think you had anything to worry about." I pat her on the back and walk over to one of the many chairs around the campfire.

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