Chapter 12

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"Mom, hello. Please don't worry, everything's okay. I'll explain as soon as I can." It had been a while since they passed the northern border of Kansas, Harry wanted to call Lily and tell her a lie so she wouldn't freak out. 

Jasper had told him, as they were speeding down the roads, that the others were leaving his belongings at strategic spots to lead Tom away. He had stopped crying after a few hours. Soon enough they came upon a hotel room, relaxing for a short time. All felt serene until Alice began to hold her head in pain.

"What is it? Alice?" Jasper asked.

"He changed course," She said, wincing, "paper, paper." Jasper hurriedly put a paper and pencil in front of her and she began sketching. "He's going to an old mall, I think." She drew it and Harry studied it.

"They said he might be wrong."

"This is the path Tom is on now. If he changes it, the vision changes," Alice responded.

"So his path leads to a abandoned mall?"

"You've been there?" Jasper furrowed his brow at him.

"Yes, I used to work part-time when I was younger." 

"When you were in Surrey," Alice led. Harry nodded, feeling his phone vibrate before taking it out.


"We lost him. That son of a bitch knew our trick. Rosalie and Esme are gonna keep your family safe. We're coming to get you. Then we're gonna go off somewhere alone while the others keep hunting. I will do whatever-the-hell it takes to make sure no one hurts you." Harry put down the phone once he hung up, putting his things into his bags again while Alice and Jasper were checking the ground floor out. Harry found his phone vibrating again. He frowned when he saw the ID saying 'Aunt Petunia'.

He picked it up, "Hello?"

"Where are you?!" He sighed.

"Calm down - "

" y- Where are you?!"

"There's no need to-" He gasped and froze when he heard the sound of a struggle.

"Y'know, your high school doesn't protect students' privacy well," the voice on the other line taunted deeply, "It was too easy for Bella to find your previous address. Then I came here and found little Petunia. I was going to wait, but when I heard her receive a call from your Mom about how you left? I do need leverage."

"Please- please!" came Petunia's cries.

"No, don't touch her!" Harry begged. He may not like his aunt, or the way they treated him. But that didn't mean he wanted them hurt.

"If you want to save her, you could always take her place. You're going to have to leave your friends. You can do that, right?"

"W-where do I meet you?" 

"What about that little mall you used to work at. And I'll know if you bring anyone. Don't forget: if you do, auntie gets hurt." Harry hung up the phone,  moving to the main floor. Jasper and Alice were in the main lobby. For a moment he felt horrible for betraying them. He left as soon as he could, hailing a cab. It was late at night when he arrived. He got out of the car and paid the man, looking up to the old building and shuddering. It now seemed horrifying. He took a deep breath. 

He opened the door slowly, looking in. He couldn't regret the decisions that had led him there, since they had also gifted him with Edward. He went inside scared more than he ever had been before, closing his eyes and internally saying his goodbyes. He walked through hesitantly, hands in his pockets as he struggled to be brave. He knew he was in danger but he didn't care. He stopped in front of a TV playing a video. It was uncle Vernon filming as aunt Petunia looked for Dudley on the playground.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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