Chapter 10

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Hey guys!
I see that there has been some confusing in the story,so im just gonna clear that up.

1. Harry is 16
2. There is no magic in this story so also no hogwarts
3. Harry and Leora are twins and the hospital made a mistake telling te potters that harry died after they left harry was still there and the hospital thought that james died years ago and lily died goving birth so thats why he enden up with petunia and vernon (crazy, i know but i dont have anything better😂)

Enjoy the story!

"Harry! Let me explain!"
"No! I never wanna see you again, Edward!"

James Potter looked up as he saw his son slamming the door shut. James heart skipped a beat when he saw his son's red eyes telling him that he had been crying.

"Harry? What's wrong? Was it Edward, did he hurt you?" James speeded after his son who seemed to be going upstairs.

"No! Nothing! I just...i need to get out of here for a little while" As james followed his son he got a door slammed in his face. Lily seemed to finally have heard al the noise and came running asking what was going on. But james had no idea what was going on.


As Harry was packing with tears running down his face edward came in through the window. He helped him pack while trying to comfort him.

"It's okay love, everything is gonna be ok" Kissing him softly on the forehead and wiping his tears he went back to the window "i'll wait for you in the car"


"Harry! Whats going on?!" Lily tried to ask but harry was already storming down the stair with his parents following.

"I can't live with parents who dont want me" He said,voice hoarse.

"What are you talking about we want you!" James cried.

Harry stopped with his hand on the door handle,face down so they couldnt see his tears. What he was about to do would hurt them bus was to protect them.

" You forgot about me for 16 years and just lived your own happy lives"

Not wanting to see the hurt in their eyes he ripped open the door and ran to the car where Edward was waiting.

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