Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Sorry i haven't updated this story in a while. i've kinda been having a writers block for a while and some things happened in my life which i'm not gonna discuss on here but they have kinda drained the excitment to write out of me. But i'm back now and i'm hopefully a little better at writting ;) I don't know if i can write consistently. But i will finish this book.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

With Edward driving Harry could only think about what he said to his parents. "You forgot about me for sixteen years and just lived your life's happy"   he knew that it hurt his parents but he needed to protect them, he would have to make it up to them later. His phone kept ringing showing many names moony, padfoot, mom, dad and even Ron Weasley's name, who he had gotten pretty close to in the past few weeks. But he couldn't answer it scared that if he heard the pain in their voices he would turn around and go back there.

Lights flared suddenly behind them. Harry stared out the back window, eyes wide with horror.       "It's just Emmet" Edward reasured him. They drove right up to Edward's house. Emmet had the door open before the car was stopped, he scooped Harry up and ran trough the door into a white room.

Everyone was already there, Lucius stood in their mids. Emmet growled and set Harry next to Edward. 

"He's tracking us" Edward anounced, glaring at Lucius. Lucius's face was unhappy. "I was afraid of that"

"What will he do?" Carlisle asked Lucius. 

"I'm sorry, i'm afraid that when your boy here defended the snack" He jerked his head in Harry's direction. "that it set him off"

"Can you stop him?"

Lucius shook his head "Nothing stops Tom when he gets started" 

"We'll stop him" Rosalie promised. There was no doubt in what she meant. 

"You can't bring him down. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years. He's absolutely lethal. That's why I joined his coven."

Lucius was shaking his head. He glanced at Harry, perplexed, and back to Carlisle. "Are you sure it's worth it?" Edward's enraged roar filled the room. Lucius cringed back.

Carlisle looked gravely at Lucius. "I'm afraid you're going to have to make a choice."

Lucius understood. He deliberated for a moment. His eyes took in every face, and finally swept the bright room.

"I'm intrigued by the life you've created here. But I won't get in the middle of this. I bear none of you any enmity, but I won't go up against Tom. I think I will head north " He hesitated.

"Don't underestimate Tom. He's got a brilliant mind and unparalleled senses. He's every bit as
comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on...  I'm sorry for what's been unleashed here. Truly sorry." He bowed his head

"Go in peace," was Carlisle's formal answer.

Lucius took another long look around himself, and then he hurried out the door.

The silence lasted less than a second.

"How close?" Carlisle looked to Edward. Esme was already moving; her hand touched an inconspicuous keypad on the wall, and with a groan, huge metal shutters began sealing up the glass wall. Harry gasped.

"About three miles out past the river; he's circling around to meet up with the female."

"What's the plan?"

"We'll lead him off, and then Jasper and Alice will run her south."

"And then?"

Edward's tone was deadly. "As soon as Harry is clear, we hunt him."

"I guess there's no other choice," Carlisle agreed, his face grim.

Edward turned to Jasper.

"Get him upstairs and trade clothes," Edward commanded. Jasper was at Harry's side in half a heartbeat, swinging him up easily into his arms, and dashing up the stairs.

"What are we doing?" Harry asked breathlessly as Jasper set him down in a dark room somewhere off the second-story hall.

"Trying to confuse the smell. It won't work for long, but it might help get you out." Harry could hear his clothes falling to the floor.

"I don't think I'll fit..." Harry hesitated, but Jasper's hands were abruptly pulling his shirt over his  head. Harry quickly stripped his jeans off himself.

Somehow Jasper was already in his clothes. He pulled Harry back to the stairs, where Alice stood, a small leather bag in one hand. They each grabbed one of Harry's elbows and half-carried him as they flew down the stairs.

It appeared that everything had been settled downstairs in their absence. Edward and Emmett were ready to leave, Emmett carrying a heavy-looking backpack over his shoulder. Carlisle was handing something small to Esme. He turned and handed Alice the same thing — it was a tiny silver cell phone.

"Esme and Rosalie will be taking your truck, Harry," he told him as he passed.
"Alice, Jasper — take the Mercedes. You'll need the dark tint in the south."

They nodded as well.

"We're taking the Jeep."

"Alice," Carlisle asked, "will they take the bait?"

Everyone watched Alice as she closed her eyes and became incredibly still.

Finally her eyes opened. "He'll track you. The woman will follow the truck. We should be able to leave after that." Her voice was certain.

"Let's go." Carlisle began to walk toward the kitchen.

But Edward was at Harry's side at once. He caught him up in his iron grip, crushing Harry to him. He seemed unaware of his watching family as he pulled Harry's face to his, lifting his feet off the floor. For the shortest second, his lips were icy and hard against Harry's . Then it was over. He set him down, still holding his face. 

His eyes went blank, curiously dead, as he turned away.

And they were gone.

They stood there, the others looking away from them as the tears streaked noiselessly down Harry's face. The silent moment dragged on, and then Esme's phone vibrated in her hand. It flashed to her ear.

"Now," she said. Rosalie stalked out the front door but  touched Harry's cheek as she passed.

"Be safe." Her whisper lingered behind them as they slipped out the door. He heard his truck start thunderously, and then fade away.

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