Chapter 9

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"Someone's comming"

Harry watched in panic as everyone seemed to place themselves in front of him like some kind of shield. Edward kept apologising to him telling him he never should have brought him here.

"What's going on?!" he asked, trying and failing to keep the panic out of his voice. " Just stay behind us we"ll try to cover you scent" Edward was panicking himself gently but fast pulling his hoodie up and trying to cover him before shoving him behind him and standing next to his family. Damnit! He should've never brought him here.

Harry saw three figures walking up to them. Vampires he figured but he couldn't be sure sinds he couldn't really see them with the cullens standing in front of him. But a part of him was glad, he wasn't sure he wanted to see them. He shivered as a cold voice reached him and he could feel Edward pulling him a litle closer to his back. A move harry was happy to make.

"Want your ball back?" A man with long blond hair said. "Thanks"

"I'm lucius and that's Tom and Bella, i'm sorry we didnt know anyone would be here" " We have a permenent resident nearby" Carlisle said with a little jerk of his head. "You think you could use three more players" The woman, Bella said. She had black hair that seemed to be all over the place. She smiled a little but there was this kinda crazy look in her eyes that made Harry shiver. Edward must have felt it cuz he growled quietly. Carlisle sent him a warning look and then smiled at the three vampires. "Sure, two of us were leaving so you can take their place" and Harry could see the other male, Tom, keep looking at him. Edward noticed to and pulled him even closer, if that was possible.

While they were moving, Edward still staying infront of him, a strong wave of wind came their way and Harry could see Tom closing his eyes with a smirk. "You've brought a snack". Before Harry could react the Cullens got back to their places growling in warning. "He's with us"

"I see we're out numbered" Lucius pulled the other two back much to the dismay of Tom, but bella pulled him along not before sending a smirk over his shoulder to Edward. After the three left the tension was high. Carlisle was the first to break it. "Edward, get him out of here"

Edward nodded and dragged Harry to his car. "What's happening?!" When Edward didn't answer Harry seemed to panic even more. "Is he going to come after me now?" Edward seemed to pull himself together. "We have to get you out of this town"

"No! What about my family?!" Edward looked over at him and could see the tears in his eyes, as much as he wanted to comfort him he couldn't let himself be distracted. "Just let me get you outta here first!"  "No! I just got them back! He could be going after them to, please Edward i can't lose them, this is al my fault". And finally the tears came out. Edward had a pained face when he reached out to wipe away the tears. "Don't cry love, this my fault...i'll fix it"

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