Chapter 6

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Edward was riding in his car when he thought back to the conversation he had with his father, Carlisle. He told him everything about Harry and himself. And to his shock carlisle knew precisely what was going on. Mates. Harry was his mate. Mate. As in the person your going to spend your whole life with. He still wasn't over his shock, how was he going to explain this to harry.

He went by Harry's house but his mother said he wasn't home. He was out with some friends but something deep inside him told him something wasnt right. So he was following harry scent. It was getting closer an closer until it stoped. There was he, serounded by some guys, something was off about this..

Harry was having a wonderfulday fire he was asked to prom by multiple girls and even a few boys, but not the boy he wanted. And know he was serounded by some drunk men, great...just great. "Come on baby we don't want to hurt you" OK he was really getting nerves now. He heard a car sliding being him. "Get in the Car!" When he saw harry couldn't move he ordered "NOW!" He scrambled in the car and watched as Edward scared the guys away. Edward got in to the car and drove away his knuckles whit from gripping the stearing wheel so hard. "Distract me" Edward ordered him. Harry didn't know why but did it any way. "You should put you should put your seat belt on" Edward chuckled houmeresly. "We are not gonna crash"he said but did it anyway.

As they came by the restaurant cho and luna whe ree already there. "Where were you!" "It's my fAult wemail met at the bookstore and just kept talking" Edward came behind harry and gave them one of his best smiles. When they some him their eyes were round and full of shock. "I's iT oke if i take him for dinner sInce you aleafy ate" they didn't ask him how he knew,they were to shocked so they just nodded away walked away giggling.

In the restaurant Edward told him everything, about him being a vampire a d he paid no atention to the waitress flirting with him. Harry just didn't expect next sentence that out of Edward mouth.

"Harry you are my mate"

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