Chapter 7

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Ding Dong

''I'll go!'' Harry yelled excitedly as he ran to the door. He smiled at Edward as he let him in. Today Harry was going to meet Edward's family, But his dad asked if he could see edward first. Harry could only hope his dad, Sirius, Remus and Chase wouldn't do anything stupid. As they stepped into the living room he could see his dad stand up.

''So... You're Edward?'' ''Yes it's nice to meet you Mr. Potter'' Edward said politely. His father seemed to like Edward's manners, Because he let us go but not  before laying a few ground rules. ''Nervous?'' Edward asked as he was riding toward his house. ''What if they don't like me?'' Edward gave him an amused look. ''So you're scared that they dont like you....Not because you're in a house full of vampires?'' Edward asked, but harry could see him smile a little witch eased him. ''They are gonna love you'' 


Harry was amazed at how big their house was. He could hear a voices talking as they walked into the room. ''Harry you know my brothers and sisters, my dad Carlisle and my mom Esme'' They all smiled at them as he waved. ''So how do you like the house so far harry?'' Esme smilled down at the human. ''It's amazing, it's really big'' edward took the conversation over. ''I'm gonna show him around the house'' The others nodded as Edward took Harry's hand andpulled him along. Their final destination was his own bed room.

''You don't have  a bed?'' It was the first thing harry noticed. ''No, i don't really... sleep'' Edward took the cd harry had in his hand when he was looking at his music collection. The song slowly strted playing as edward took Harry's hands. ''What are you doing?''

''Dancing'' ''But i cant dance!'' ''Everyone can dance'' Edward took his hands and wrapped them around his neck as he wrapped his own around Harry's waist. Harry tried not to blush while he was staring at Edwards eyes, but ....damn. They slowly moved their heads closer as their lips touched.

I'm sorry it's so short but here you go, another chapter.  I hope you guys liked it and please let me know what you think.

Love emareldS.


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