Chapter 4.

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As she walked in the classroom she saw him. The new kid.

She skipped to the back of the classroom to sit beside him but just as she wanted to sit down sombody else took the place. Cho Chang. Everyone knew her. Alice sighed and went to the seat behind them listening in on their confersation.


''You're Harry right?'' Harry looked up from his book to see a girl. She gave him a flirty smile and sat beside him. She was pretty he had to admit but once again he wasn't into girls. Not wanting to be rude he nodded. ''I'm Cho.....Cho Chang'' He shook her hand and focused  on the teacher again. The rest of the lesson went pretty fast and the bell rang soon. ''Hey you wanna sit with me and my friends at know so you don't have to sit alone.'' Cho asked as she put her books in her bag.

Harry was perfectly fine with sitting alone but once again didn't want to be rude. ''yeah sure'' He said as he followed her to her friends and he had had to admit she had a lot of friends. ''Harry this are Lavender , Luna, Susan , Parvati and Padma , Hannah , Katie Bell and Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Oliver wood and Cormac Mclaggen.''

They all looked at him and some of them said hey or ignored him. ''So harry do you like it here?'' The girl Luna asked. The others looked at her shocked normally she didn't speak much. ''Yeah It's nice here just rains alot'' She chuckled and went back to eating. Harry let his gaze wonder around the room alot of people were looking at him and pointing. And thats when he saw them a group teenagers sitting in the end of the room and they were.....Wel beautiful. They were pale and had honey like eyes. ''Who are they?'' He asked.

Lavender followed his gaze and sighed. ''The Cullens. You see the perky one?'' He nodded ''That's Alice and the boy beside her is Jasper Than you have the blond girl Rossalie and the big guy Emmet'' But that's not the ones he was looking at. Luna seemed to noticed and answered the question on his mind ''And thats Edward Cullen.''

''They are all adopted by Carlisle and his wife Esme''Cho whispered. ''That's nice of them'' He comment.She looked shocked for a moment but then akwardly nodded. Harry let his Gaze wonder to the boy again But soon realised that  he was already staring at him. He could feel his face heating up and turned to stare at is food stealing glances at the boy. 


''So have you already talked to the new kid, Alice?'' Emmet Smirked. ''No'' She pouted and the rest laughed even Rose lips turned up in a smile. They could hear their conversation and al smirked when the Cho looked shocked when the boy defended their parents. Edward was the most interested in the boy. He was pulled towards the boy but didn't know why. When he looked at edward with those green and looked away with a blush he smirked. This could be a fun year. The other saw this to and smiled They knew Edward was lonely and needed someone to take care of and this was perfect. ''Even i have to admit he is cute'' All the cullens Looked at Rosellie shocked. ''Wow he must be really special if Rose likes him''Jasper smirked as the rest laughed. Rose glared at him but soon couldn't help but join in. It was strange. 

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