Chapter 8

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Harry potter layed on his bed as he thought about the events of last night.

Harry was sitting on his bed talking to his best friend Luna back at privet drive. He felt as if someone was staring at him, when he turned around he gasped in shock almost dropping his Phone. "Luna i have to go"  He said as he hung up. "H-How did you-''  ''Vampire remember" 

''How often do you do it?''  Harry asked . Edward shruged ''I like watching you sleep. It's calming'' Harry closed his mouth and tilted his head in confusion as Edward came closer until their noses were touching. "I need you to stay still. i'm gonna try something. i'm not gonna hurt you" The green eyed boy smiled ''I trust you''

''Stay still '' He mummerd as their faces . Harry's breath hitched as their lips finaly met. It started out slow but soon became very passionate, Edward pulled Harry in his lap before laying him on the bed again. ''STOP'' before he knew what was happening Edward stood  at the other side trying to catch his breath.

''I-I'm sorry'' 

He broke out of his thoughts at his sister voice calling for him.


Ding Dong 

''i'll get it!'' Leora yelled as she ran downstairs to open the door. And wow! She had to do a double take to make sure that what she was seeing was real. In front of her stood non other than Edward Cullen. She knew who he was, she had seen him before in school and it was no secret that every girl wanted him. But from close of he somhow seemed even more beautifull. She broke out of her trans when she heard Harry and her mom comming downstairs. As Soon as Edward saw them he asked '' What time does he need to be home ma'm?''

"As long as he is home before midnight its okay just have fun, and call me Lilly" Edward smiled at the kind redhead and walked harry to his car. As soon as they were out of earshot Harry asked '' I didn't know vampires played baseball''

''Well...there is a thunderstorm comming and that's the only time we can play'' Edward said while putting a cap on the younger one's head. ''You'll see why''

Stepping out of the car after a 20 minutes ride Edward wrapped his arm around the black haired boy and walked towards his family. As soon as she saw them Rosalie took Edward place. Which shocked Esme and Carlisle, they turned to Edward for an answer but al he did was shrug. ''Glad you're here we need an empire'' She smile on her face.

"She thinks we cheat'' Harry heard Emmet say behind them '' We know you cheat'' Esme said which made him chuckle. ''Call them if you see them Harry!'' Alice yelled from across the field. He watched the game as it played and he could definetly see why they needed a thunderstorm for this. It was only ten minutes in the game when Alice suddenly yelled STOP.

Everyone stopped what they were diong and turned to look at her. ''Someone's comming''

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