Chapter 2 : Meeting everyone

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I was suprised that i woke up by a soft voice. Then i remembered again i was by my parents house. I slowly opened my eyes.

'''Wake up sweetheart, we have some guests''


''Some friends of us, We want you to meet''


When she was gone i grabbed some clothes and started dressing myself.

When i walked downstairs Lola already stood there waiting for me.

''Hawwy,Hawwy Come yook,come yook'' She dragged me to the kitchen.

''This is my fwiend, Ginny'' She introduced me to a little girl with red-hair and brown eyes.

I smilled gently at her. That when my father came in.

''I see you already met ginny''


''Good, i want you to meet the others to'' He took me to the living room where a lot of people where. I saw a whole family of red-heads, a bushy brown haired girl, a stern looking woman and a old man with a long white beard and twinkle eyes.

''Everyone this is harry''

I felt all eyes turning to me and i started to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Until a red-haired woman stepped foward.

''Its nice to meet you dear, I'm molly and thats my husband arthur and my children Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and ginny' She pointed at the said persons.

The bushy brown haired girl stepped foward to.

''I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger'' She gave me a wink and a flirting smile. I just smilled back at het if i wasn't gay maybe i liked her. But i am gay, So.

My mum took my hand and led me to the stern looking woman and twinkle eyed man.

''Harry i want you to meet Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagoll''

''Its good to see you again Mr.Potter'' he smilled

I smilled back. Thats when Braxon and his friends came running in.

''Who wants to play some Baseball''

All children cheered and went outside even Lola.

''Aren't you going'' Remus ask looking confused

I shrugged ''I never played baseball before''

;;You never played baseball before?'' asked sirius in shock.

I shook my head.

''Well i'm sure they will teach you'' mum said kindly

I walked outside and played the next two hours playing baseball. Then sirius came to call us for dinner.

After dinner the people started slowly to leave. When eveyone was gone me,leora,braxon,Chase and lola watched some tv befote going to bed. Tommorow was my first day on my new school.

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