chapter one

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"Hurry up, lazy ass!" I yell, pounding on the door as my best friend, Sky finally turns off the shower.

"Oh my fucking gosh! Just a minute, Ry!" Sky yelled back.

Within seconds, the door slowly opens as Sky steps into frame, her brunette hair damp on her shoulders with a towel covering her naked body.

"You take forever, you know that? You know we have to leave soon."

"I'm out, aren't I? Now, just let me get ready and we'll be good to go."

As I turn around, heading toward the staircase, I mutter under my breath about her always taking the longest time getting ready. While descending down the final few steps, I spot Sky's dad, who's sitting on the couch.

"Morning, Ry."

"Morning, Mr. Cooper."

"Roman." He corrects me.

"Roman." A light chuckle escapes my lips.

Nearly every day this happens.

Roman's been like a father to me for years, and since he's like the father I've always wanted, it just makes it that much harder to call him by his first name.

I've been living with Sky and Roman for over two years now since they took me in. I didn't have the best home life; my dad did drugs and would take his anger from his withdrawals out on me. The abuse was so bad, I still have a scar on my cheek and a few on my inner thighs and stomach. As of now, he's still in rehab. Though, I doubt he'll ever change. As for my mom, she left my dad and I when I was four. I hardly remember her, but when I was living with my dad, sometimes I would wish she would've taken me with her. Sky, however, has been my best friend since we were in preschool. Unfortunately, her mom died when we were fifteen, which left Sky and her father devastated. Roman has recently jumped back into the dating scene, which has left Sky depressed. So, me and her have been going out every chance we got and doing things she loves to take her mind off it. And at night, I'm her shoulder to cry on. Don't get me wrong, she's practically my sister. But, seeing her upset has always made me upset as well. We're each other's other half, if that makes sense.

"So, where are y'all headed off to?"

I'm dressed in black sneakers and an oversized pink and grey flannel with white shorts underneath, and my curly black hair tamed in a sleek ponytail.

"Just the store. They have a discount, and I want those spicy noodles."

"I take it she's still getting ready?" Roman asked, referring to Sky.

I nod.

"Yeah, she sure knows how to make a person wait."

"What about you? Any plans for today?"

"Not really. I'm so exhausted from work, I'm just going to stay home."

"Okay. Well, me and Sky are going out to dinner later. Would you like to come?"

"Thanks, honey. I'll think about it."

Forty-seven minutes of watching TV later, Sky finally trots down the staircase.

"All right, let's roll." Sky said, her straight hair in a ponytail. Her green eyes are styled with eyeliner and nude eyeshadow. She's wearing orange lipgloss, which complements her skin tone, and a black romper with three inch boots to top off her fit.

I can't even lie, Sky has always been on the more attractive side.

"Cool, let's go." I stand from the couch.

A/N - hey! so i know this chapter was kinda short but don't worry, i have more coming y'alls way soon ;) pls lmk wutchu think so far. vote, comment, and even private msg me to gimme ur honest feedback. btw, if u guys want a Q&A so y'all can get to know me a lil more, just holla and i gotchu.

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