chapter three

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As Sky unlocks the front door, we make our way toward the kitchen to put our ice creams in the freezer. Afterward, we head up the stairs and into our bedroom, setting our groceries on our beds.

"Nice room." Angel said in awe.

She looks at our velvet wallpaper, twin-sized beds, antique chifferobe, LED lights, swivel chair, skeleton decorations in every corner, a small bedside table, as well as a few other items.

"Thanks. You can take a seat if you want."

Angel pulls out the swivel chair and sits down. "So, what do y'all want to do?"

"I was actually thinking we can get to know you."

"Ask away."

"You in school?" Sky asked.

Angel shakes her head. "I recently graduated a few months ago. What about you guys?"

"Same for us." I said.

"So, why'd you move to Louisville?"

I stare daggers at Sky.

Angel notices. "No. No, it's okay."

She pauses. "My mom got offered a position as a physician, so when I told my best friend, Hayden, he moved into the house right next door to me. Plus, I don't live far from here. I live on Curran Road."

"Wow. How long have you guys been friends for?"

"Since I was six and he was seven. We're like brother and sister. He's always been protective of me, hence him moving here for me."

"That's incredible." I said. "He sounds amazing."

Angel smiles. "He is."

"What does he look like?" Sky asked.

Angel pulls out her phone. "One sec." She said, stretching out 'sec'. "Ah ha. Here it is."

She turns her phone toward us, revealing a boy with dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and a lip ring. In the picture, his arm is slung around Angel, whose face is plastered with a smile as both of her hands rest on the boy's arm.

"Y'all look so happy." I said.

"He's my home away from home."

"He's hot." Sky said.

I burst out laughing. Sky has never been one to conceal how she feels. She has no filter. She will always say what's on her mind.

"I guess."

"Ooh, ooh! Let's play never have I ever." I turn my gaze to Sky. "We finally have another player."

"I'm down." Sky said coolly. "Angel, you comfortable with this?"

"Sure, sounds fun."

"Cool, but we have our own twist. For every finger you put down, you have to explain the backstory behind the thing you did in order to get your turn."


"Okay," I start, "Never have I ever shoplifted..."

Sky and I put a finger down. We look at each other and laugh.

I explain, "We were just being little shits who wanted to get, and we did, a five finger discount."

"Hell, we still do it."

"My turn." Sky said. "Never have I ever had sex..."

Sky and Angel put a finger down.

"I lost my virginity to my first boyfriend." Sky said. "What about you?"

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