chapter six

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Hayden's POV

"It just comes naturally."

I wink as I walk Ryder to the bar.

"I'm going to clean these off." I hold out my fists. "Be right back. Order yourself something."

I walk off, looking for the bathroom.

I turn a corner and see a male and female sign hung above. Knowing the obvious, I enter the men's bathroom and start to wash my battered knuckles. When I finish, I dry my hands and leave.

As I attempt to return the way I came through the big crowd of people, a girl approaches me.

She looks around my age and is about average height, has ginger hair, small lips, and blue eyes.



"You never called me back."

I raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"You're kidding me, right? Amber." She points, referring to herself.

"Do we know each other or something?"

"Oh, we know each other's bodies real well."

Ah, shit.

She leans in and touches my bicep as she stares into my blue eyes.

"How can you seriously forget? You told me that you liked me."

"I had a good time, but I don't like you like that."

"Screw you."

"Yeah, well, you already did that."

She slaps me.

"Look, we both knew what we were getting into. I don't get why you're so damn upset."

She storms off, scoffing.

I regain my composure and turn around in an attempt to find Ryder.

Never mind.

I see her far across the room. Well, I see her limp body fall and being carried into a man's arms.

I run over, screaming Ryder's name, but to no avail. The man keeps walking, so I run over and tackle him, knocking Ryder out of his arms in the process.

Shit. She's definitely going to have a nasty headache in the morning.

"Get the fuck away from her!" I ball one of my bruised fists.

After his arms were free of her, I lose it and beat his damn skull open.


"Why didn't you take her to a hospital?" Angel asked me, whispering.

We're trying not to wake Ryder. We're talking outside of the room, which she's sleeping in.

"I don't know, okay? I panicked. Even if I did take her, I couldn't just leave her all alone."

"I understand. I care about her, too. You know, you just met her yesterday, and you're already looking after her like she's Erin."

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