chapter eight

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I keep tossing and turning. The urge to pee wakes me from my deep sleep.

I slowly creep out of bed, careful not to wake Sky. I slowly turn the knob, opening it inch by inch as it creaks. I go down the hall and close the bathroom door.

After I leave the bathroom, I walk to the kitchen to get some water.

Bad choice, I know. But, my throat's dry, okay? Anyway, I grab a stool and stand on it. I always do this whenever there isn't anyone around to help me. I hate being short.

I open the cabinet and pick up a glass. I nearly stumble back when a voice startles me.

"Need some help?"

It's just Roman.

"No, thanks. I got it."

I jump off the stool with the glass still in my grip.

He leans against a counter. I walk over to the sink, filling the glass not even halfway.

"Can't sleep?" He asked.

"What gave it away? What about you?"

"No. Look, I don't know if Sky's told you, but we got into an argument. It's been hard on me. I hate not talking to my little girl."

"She told me earlier."

A few seconds of silence passes by before he licks his lips and speaks again.

"What do you think I should do?"

"Roman, I love you, but I don't feel comfortable getting in the middle of your guys' situation. This is between you and Sky, not me. Try to look at this from her perspective. It's never going to be easy watching some woman, who's not her mother walking around your house. Just ask yourself, which one do you care about more? Sky, or the women? Should be an easy answer."

"I know."

"Then, you know what you have to do."

"And what's that?"

"When you're ready, talk to her. Really talk to her."

"Yeah. I'll talk to her when I get home. I actually have to get ready now since I pulled an extra shift."

I walk closer to him and pull him in a hug. "Goodnight."

"Night, sweetie."

I drink my water and head back upstairs.

Sky is on her back, snoring. I tiptoe over to my side of the bed and slowly climb underneath the covers. I turn on my right side and cuddle against my pillow.

"You're back." I feel Sky's breath on my neck.


"You okay? I've been rolling onto your empty side for a while."

"Yeah, I was just talking to your dad."

"Oh. About what?"



I reach behind me and grab her hand.

"N-no. It wasn't like that. He was telling me that he's going to try to talk to you tonight since he's getting ready right now."


"I'll be here too. If you need me when it's time, say the word and I'm there."

"Thanks, babe."

"You know that I'm always here for you."

"I love you."

She wraps her arms around my waist, closing in our remaining distance as she rests her head against mine.

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