chapter fourteen

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Angel's POV

Bored. That's all I feel right now.

My mom's at work, which means that I'm home alone. Again.

The quiet is almost soothing, I'm tempted to take a nap. I shake my head at the idea.

Ryder's on her way to pick you up, I remind myself.

I'm sitting on my bed with my knees to my chest, reading To Kill A Mockingbird. I'm on page 73 when I hear a knock at the door. My body jerks and I close my book. I get up from my bed and leave my room, closing the door behind me, and proceed to go downstairs. I reach the bottom of the staircase and walk towards the door. I open it and there she stood on the other side. My girl.

She's wearing a red tube top, black pants with tears on the thighs, and black converses. She's also wearing her rich, gorgeous, faded now-pastel purple hair down to her shoulders. She looks absolutely breathtaking.

"Surprise!" She pulls her arms from behind her back, revealing a white teddy bear with a gold scarf around its neck and a red heart-shaped box of chocolates.

"Awww! What's this for?"

"Happy one month, baby doll." She kissed my lips.

"I wish I would have known that we were exchanging gifts." I close the door once she enters the house.

"You know you don't need to get me anything."

"No, I know." I sighed. "I just feel bad whenever you randomly show up with something and I don't."

"Don't you worry about a thing. Besides, it's not like you're not affectionate. I just like showering you with the things I know you love. Us making it this far is a gift all on its own. Okay? I really like you."

I smile and walk closer to her, planting trails of soft kisses on her lips.

"I really like you too."

"Then let's put these away," she holds up my gifts, "And go get some air. Me and you."

"I like the sound of that. What do you have in mind?"

"How do you feel about the cove?"

"Sounds perfect. Let me just run these in my room and I'll be right back."

"Take your time, I'll be right here."

I smile and take the bear and chocolates from her hands. I turn around and walk up the steps. I make it to my room and open the door. I set them on my bed against my pillow and smile to myself, probably as big as the Joker's.

How did I get so lucky? She was always doing this. Even when I'm on my period, she'll come over with a tub of ice cream and we'd watch a movie while she kept her arm around my aching stomach.

It can be another ordinary day to me and Ryder will make sure to still make me feel like I'm the most important person alive. That's how I feel every day, all because of her.

Important. Cherished. Valued. Loved.

I pull myself together and leave my room, joining Ryder by the door.

"Do you like them?"

"Of course." I peck her cheek. "I love everything you do. Tell me, how can someone be as wonderful, thoughtful, and rare as you?"

"All I can tell you is that it comes from the heart, baby doll."

"They need to up their game."

"Who?" She furrowed her eyebrows. Oh, my gosh, she's so cute when she's confused.

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