chapter twelve

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Me and Sky are in our room. I got home six minutes ago and have just told her what my day consisted of. She now understands why I never returned her text.

"Shut up!" Sky jumped up and down. "You actually asked her out? Like, for real?"

"For real."

"I knew it, I fucking knew you liked her."

"You called it."

"So, where are you taking her?"

I smiled. "I was thinking First Watch. It's so special to me, and I don't know, I only take special people there. Including you, Angel makes two."

"Well, from experience, I just know she's going to love it. Besides, you're pretty special yourself, babe."

"Thanks, love. I just want everything to go perfect, and by perfect, I mean me not stuttering."

She chuckles and grabs my hands. "Breathe. I'm sure everything will go smoothly. Just be yourself, okay? Who wouldn't love you?"

I feel tears threatening to escape and I hug her.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Now go to bed. You got to look hot for your date tomorrow."

"Girl, please, I am hot."

I took a shower and got dressed. I laid down three outfits on my bed. A black romper. A white skirt and pink tube top. And finally, a strapless black and white polka dotted mini dress with a thin black belt around its waist.

I cross my arms as I think it over. I eventually decide that the best option for tonight is the dress. I slip it over my body. I get out a pair of three-inch black heels and put them on.

I sit in the swivel chair and straighten my hair. I applied concealer on my scars. Once I looked myself over in the mirror, I put on my foundation, mascara, orange lipgloss, and topped it all off with a pair of gold infinity earrings.

I grab my phone off the charger and open the bedside table and grab the car keys and my wallet. It was only 2:29pm. I couldn't help it, I needed everything to go perfect.

I head downstairs. It was just me, since Roman was at work and Sky was at a concert out of town. I leave the house, locking it up, and head to the car. I leave the driveway and head to the flower shop.

I arrive and get out the car. I open the entrance door and walk around. There are so many various options. White lilies, yellow tulips, red roses, sunflowers, pink hydrangeas, and so many more. I think it over, touching a petal from each flower. I pick up the lilies and smell them. They're perfect.

I walk to the register.

"Hi! Welcome to Nanz & Kraft Florists. What can I help you with?"

"I'll just take these."

The woman smiled. "You picked a beautiful selection. That'll be $43."

I reach into my wallet and grab a fifty dollar bill. I hand it to the woman.

"She's lucky."


"The girl you're buying these for."

"She is."

She taps a few buttons on the screen and hands me my change.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, hun. Come again."

I smile at her and leave the store with the lilies. I set them in the passenger seat and drive down to First Watch. I get out and enter the establishment. I walk to the counter.

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