Chapter Eleven: Flattered

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Please tell me this is a lie. I know this is her specialty but she can’t be serious. “That woman can not be my sister,” I whispered, shutting the doors behind us. I still couldn’t believe it, “how did you even get to that conclusion already!?”

“Simple Vale, I’m a hound, I piece these things together” she replied. “What does that have to do with your conclusion?” She chuckled, leaning back on the sofa. “I’m simply just looking between the lines here Vale. Marcel left Angeline for your aunt when you were little. It’s been years you never know if he had another child.” I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

“Ms. Morozova, I highly disagree. How. why? She’d have to be at least almost a decade under me.” I mumbled to myself. “But I’m still talking out of my ass here, I still may have to do some digging.” I sighed moving my hair back. I sat on my desk scratching my scalp as I thinked. “I need another vacation.” 

“So what were you saying about Amber the other day?” My head rose meeting her cold eyes. “Pardon?” Her brows raised, “You asked something about Amber last time we spoke. What was it about?” Oh, Father, that's just rich…

“It was nothing. I’ll just wait for her to respond to me, let's just focus on the event at hand.” , “Vale, you do realize it’s only been a few weeks, maybe even a little over a month since everything happened right?” I nodded agreeing with her. I knew it still was too soon, but I just wanted to check on her. See how she’s holding up from it all. “All I have to say is give her some time. She’s still healing Vale, wounds like she’d received cut deep.”

“I understand, but I just want to know if she’s alright truly. I’ll leave her,” 

“Although, she does like the flowers,” I glanced her way. “The flowers?”

“Yeah, just don’t send them as often as you’ll want to.” I nodded, feeling a slight tug in my chest. That’s good to hear at least. I shook the feeling off and got back to my previous statement. 

“The ceremony would only be broadcasted, the only ones allowed to be within the territory are close friends and relatives. Maybe even close business partners, uncle Sam hasn’t really confirmed it yet.” She hummed standing from her seat, “well if that is for certain then, some things will be implemented. And there aren’t any exceptions from the rules.”

“What are the rules?”, she faced me with her finger over her lips. “Body and vehicle searches, that's obvious. I’ll have at least a few of my fellow members help along with this. The especially trained ones will come along with me.”

“So is that everything, for now?” she asked, checking her watch. “I’ll inform you if anything changes.” She left shortly after leaving me in my own peace. At least for now.

I sat back behind my desk and leaned back into my chair. Maybe I should look into these partnerships. Anyway I'll deal with that later. I picked up my phone and called uncle Sam to see if he was free for lunch.


I just got home from the gym. My body felt so heavy and my stomach was bullying me. I threw my bag on the chair and went to draw myself a bath. I came back to the kitchen while the water was running to make a sandwich. “Amber you do realize that you're making a mess of the floor” Tora said to me, I turned with my meal in hand. "Shit…" a growl rolled through, singe marks were all over the floor. 'Are you doing ok? Do we need to discuss something that's been on your mind?' I shook my head, like she could see me. I'll clean that up after a bath.

I finished my sandwich and started to strip. The warmth of the water covered my aching body as I lowered myself in it. My closed and my opened letting out a heavy sigh. I leaned back feeling the tension relieve me, I drifted off into my safe space. Tora right next to me as I stare into my dark abyss of a mind. "What is on your mind Amber?" I blinked for a moment, I was pissed about a lot of things. My coach, dad, Vale, the world…myself. "Tell me Tora, will life get better for me?" 

I turned meeting her lava sealed eyes, she licked my left cheek. "That's something I can't answer. Life is an unknown process." She kept licking my cheek in a comforting way. I don't know what shifted my mind to think so deeply on this. It annoys me, everytime I sleep my past choices seem to hunt me. Even if the whole thing was a setup it still left a scar in my memories. I thought maybe slipping into this space of mind, where I have some company and not on my own like the physical world, it'll help. It does a little but not a lot. 

"I know you hate hearing these words child but believe me kid you'll be fine in time. All your hardships are going to pay off in some way." I turned to her with a neutral face. "Dull words of encouragement Tora." She growled at my remark resting her head down on my thigh, maybe that's supposed to be a chuckle, it wasn't an angry one.

After a while I woke up and I wasn't surrounded by water anymore. I couldn't help but laugh, this is very amusing. I got out and dried off before heading to bed, now I woke up shortly after to see no more water around me. I chuckled to myself, clearly I was still angry.

 I was trying to catch up with my book. It just seems like everytime I open it another interruption occurs. My body felt less tension than before and the chat with Tora helped clear my mind a little. Anyway the chapter I was stuck on was getting spicy, quite ironic that my quiet space kept getting interrupted when the drama was getting good.

"Cathie why the hell you…" I grumbled with the book over my face. The protagonist in the book was caught in a conflicting situation. Love triangle between her boss and bodyguard, she kissed the guard right in front of him and his business associates. Pure jealousy was the reason, and she did it due to a misunderstanding. Business over pleasure her boss's sister told her out of spite. I don't know why she doesn't like her. "Petty bitch" I rolled my eyes while resting the book beside me. I checked my phone for any missed messages. Nothing from Alexis, Lira or the others, only a few from her. I thought about reading these messages or even answering her.

I huffed and replied to her latest message.

Text me if you need anything

I need you to forget about me

I closed my phone reaching for my book when it buzzed again. I groaned and opened it to read the message. 

Your nothing to forget

I cracked a small smile, a tiny feeling that reminded me of something. It felt like my heart was sinking… I'm glad she isn't here to see me like this. I tried to take my mind off it by reading further in the book, but it still lingered in the back of my head. “I'm nothing to forget?” I muttered to myself… I hate this woman.

Welcome to 2024 🤍

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