Chapter Thirteen: Clueless

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My dress was laid out on a chair, I had on an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts. I splashed my face with some cold water before I left the room. 

“I must have fallen asleep,” I muttered to myself. Other residents passed me giving a friendly smile or a nod. I walked down the hall that branched off in three directions. I turned left wondering if I could find someone I recognized.  I found myself outside in the back garden. Kids were running around doing cartwheels and chasing each other. Their parents were chatting amongst themselves while watching them play. I chuckled to myself, and walked back inside. I bumped into someone when I turned. "I'm sorry," I muttered, making sure she was alright. 

"No, no it's fine dear," she looked up, meeting my eyes. Her expression at first grew confused, "Lucrezia?" She muttered. I giggled, shaking my head, "my name's Amber miss." She apologized profusely and I told her it was okay. "You knew my mother?" I asked curious, Alexis already told me things about her but I just wanted to know more. The woman smiled nodding, "do you mind telling me a few things about her?"

The woman agreed and we walked outside. Long story short I learned that my mother wasn't always an angel as Alexis made her out to be. "She would often sneak out late at nights and return early in the mornings. Alex caught on and she freaked once she figured out what she was doing," she stated. "What was she doing?" 

She shrugged, "we were friends but she never told me what was going on. No one else found out either. The last time we spoke was after a falling out between her and Alex. She left and I haven't seen her since," her voice cracked finishing her sentence. I don't know what came over me but I hugged her. My mom was her friend and seeing me obviously opened some wounds…I guess.

But what really puzzled me was why Alexis didn't mention this to me. "I don't want to be a pain but did you-," before I could finish a familiar voice interrupted me. "Amber there you are," Markus approached with a small smile. He greeted the woman I was speaking with. “Come on, breakfast is ready," he cheerfully said. I was going to ask him to wait but she told me to go eat. Whatever question I have I could find her later.

I followed him back inside walking down the familiar hallway I ventured. "So…what happened?" I muttered. He hummed, turning to me to repeat myself, "with Viva what happened?" He sighed, scratching his neck," let's just say she's back home under disciplinary orders from her cousin," he said. "Is she okay though?"

"She's in better shape than the guy who attacked her," he chuckled. I smiled rolling my eyes. “Forgetting all about that shit show, did you have fun?” Honestly I did, wasn’t expecting to end my night with a fight but it was entertaining. We walked into the front room where others were sitting at a table eating. “So what’s for breakfast, I’m starving.” An alluring smell hit my nostrils and it wasn’t from the food that we passed earlier.

“Anything you want, my aunt will make it for you,” he smiled. He approached a woman that turned to a stove, he hugged her kissing the top of her head. “Stop telling everyone that I only have two hands,” she growled. “You just choose not to use your abilities,” he argued, huffing like a little kid. I sat down behind the island and just watched. My stomach growled while I sat around the smell.

“I’ve already cooked for most of the clan this morning. This is the last batch I’m doing and this is for your lazy bottom,” she hissed, hitting his hand with a wooden spoon. He dropped the roll he was holding. “It’s not only me, our guest woke up late as well,” he complained.

“Who?” she turned to get a glimpse of me. I smiled and waved, her eyes widened in surprise. “Gracious Father,....Lucrezia?” she muttered. Well this is getting awkward, I dropped my hand and corrected her with my name. “Auntie Kia, this is Lucrezia’s daughter Amber,” he said. She continued to stare and it was getting more awkward.

She snapped out of it and apologized, and gave me a gentle smile. “I’m sorry dear, you just look like her so much.” she said. “Yeah I get that a lot,” I replied. She turned to Markus and told him to get me a plate. He obeyed and gave it to her so she could take up my food.

“Here you go sweetie,” she placed the dish in front of me. I thanked her, before taking a bite. It wasn’t only the smell that didn’t disappoint, the flavors surfed on my tongue as I chewed. My eyes closed as I savoured them. “See auntie, I told you everyone loves your cooking,” Markus smiled.


A game…. Find her before he does? What the hell did I even agree to last night? I sighed putting the car in drive as the light turned green. I was on my way home, I didn’t bother driving back late even though I could have asked one of my uncles' men to do it for me.

My phone started ringing, I connected it to my car's bluetooth and answered it. “Vale, where are you?” my mother’s voice peered through the speaker. “On the road, I’ll be home soon.”

“You slept in your office again didn’t you,” she hissed annoyed. I smirked turning left on the highway, “don’t worry mom, I’m alive aren’t I?” Knowing her well, she just rolled her eyes and complained to her assistant. “Oh, is that so?” she replied. I hummed, not really catching on. “You think I complain about your idiotic replies,” she said. I chuckled confirming that she does and she laughed. “Don’t go home yet sweetie, I need to talk to you. Oh, and bring some treats from Kamboos’ if you don’t mind.”

“Mom, I’m on the highway,” I sighed. “So, you can turn back and buy some sweet treats for the woman that got a C-section to bring you into this world,” she preached. “Okay, I was going to get it anyway. No need to remind me of that horrific story.” I muttered. She laughed and hung up.  I’m supposed to be going home for proper rest, I’ll sleep in my room who am I kidding.


I finished my meal and helped auntie Kia clean up. She insisted that I should call her that. Markus was getting ready for his shift. Once we were done, I left to go find the woman I ran into before. Funny that I didn’t learn her name throughout that whole conversation.I roamed around the building again, finding my way to the backyard. The kids were still there and so were some of their parents.

I walked past them and circled to the garden where others were sitting or walking around. All types of butterflies and hummingbirds zipping around. Maybe I should move here and enjoy the space, then and again I like my quality alone time. My search came up with nothing, I couldn’t find her. I turned to go back inside to go to my room. I met Markus there, wearing his usual black suit. “There you are, do you want me to carry you home or would you like to stay for a while?” I chose the latter and went to grab my dress and purse. “Maybe next time?” 

Tora questioned and I only nodded. When we entered the car he handed me a piece of paper. “A resident wanted me to give it to you,” he said. I read it over, ‘Ciara’


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