Chapter 6 Rapture:

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(Desteny Star) Author's note: Come on people, leave some comments. I need to know your opinions on the story. Its highly important. I must warn you all that the rating will go up from this point forward cause of all the blood and killing you will all witness later on in the chapters. (this doesn't apply as much to this re-write.)

Atlantic ocean: Time Unknown



The sound of water seemed to penetrate into Jacob's ear. The sound was extremely agonising, it was made even worse by the fact that his head was killing him. Jacob moaned as his consciousness returned, opening his eyes, everything was hazy. It took a few minutes for his sight to clear up.

Everything was dark. 'Am I dead?' he thought as he tried to wake up more.

Looking around he realised he was in a room, it wasn't that dark since it had a fire lit inside of a huge garbage can, it lit the room easily, but not in a welcoming way. The room seemed creepy, all the shadows seemed to be dancing around the fire.

Jacob shivered, both from fright and cold, he was laying on the floor, but the real questions were, How did he get there and who lit the fire?

Pulling himself up into a sitting position Jacob froze, realising rather quickly that moving wasn't the best idea at the moment. His entire body began to hurt a lot. Like somebody had cut him every inch of him with a knife.

Moaning again Jacob picked himself up. His body was numb despite the pain he felt, an odd contradiction. His head was pounding like Butch had been using it for soccer practice. Extending his arm, he tried to reach for something to support him. Jacob brought his arms in front of him and looked them over. His hands and his arms. They weren't his. They weren't the child-like hands and arms he knew. They looked like they belonged on the body of an adult.

"W-what happened to me?" Jacob stuttered, he began to shake. Looking down he realised that not only did he have an adult body, but other than his dad's necklace, which hung around his neck, he was very much naked. Many emotions were passing through his mind, most of which terror and panic, as he touched his chest, arms, and hair.

"This is a nightmare, yeah, a nightmare." Jacob said, trying to calm down, but everything was too real. Doing the first thing that came to mind he screamed "AHHHHHHHHH!" There was a loud screech, Jacob covered his mouth, it wasn't him, but whatever, or whoever, did it it couldn't be human.

"Hello...hello..." a voice came in scaring Jacob..he covered his mouth in an attempt not to scream.

Looking around like frantically he found the source of the voice, an old walkie talky radio. With shaky hands he took the radio and pressed the red button.

"He-hello." Jacob said in a trembling voice. His voice sounded like his own but deeper.

"Ah, I see you've awakened better get you suited up then." The person on the walkie talky said.

"Suited up?" Jacob echoed.

"You got a lot to learn, kid. Sadly time isn't usually on your side down here in Rapture. The Splicers will be showing up soon." The voice said gravely.

"Wait... Splicers? Rapture?" Jacob muttered, having pressed the button out of habit, the person on the other end heard him.

"Oh yeah... forgot your new here. Welcome to the craziest Hell Hole under the sea, Rapture. Kid, you're a Big brother now. Your job is to help the Big Sister's protect the Little Sister's."

"Whoa whoa whoa, back up. I'm not a Big Brother." Jacob clarified. Although It would be kinda cool if he was.

"Fine, it's your funeral if you don't believe me. But take my advice, leave the room and find your armour quickly. Splicers will be all over the place soon and they like an easy meal."

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