Chapter 12 Second impact:

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In a hurry Jacob took the diary, grabbed his partner, and left the laboratory, almost breaking through the wall, and his shoulders, in his haste to leave. Even after such a short period of time the splicers had already piled up in the office. There were three Leadheads, two Thuggish, five Spider Splicers, and even a few Houdini Splicers.

Reaching into his pouch he noticed he only had about half of his supply of marbles left, so he grabbed a handful in his left and before they saw him, he started picking them off one by one by picking one marble at a time with his right hand and throwing them. His armour made the marbles a distraction tactic against him, the Splicers were not so lucky.

The Splicers were thrown around like rag dolls, limbs were blown off, and yet they still charged. they charged the group, they sprinted straight through the hole Brianna was making in their lines with Jacob right behind, and managed to make it back to the waiting room. Turning around his hand started glowing red while bits of fire sparked to life on his fingertips.

Hurling a ball of fire at the Splicers coming through the door he ended up missing the first three because they teleported at the last second. The last of the Spider Splicers managed to catch the ball of fire with their face though and ended up making one of the Spider Splicers behind him trip.

Too busy putting as much fire between themselves and the remaining Splicers as he could Jacob didn't notice a thuggish splicer sneaking up behind him until he felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder. Falling to the ground he rolled over just in time to dodge the next swing as the pipe wielding Thuggish Splicer tried to hit him again while he was down.

Prepared to block another swing "Get away from him!" Brianna yelled, electrocuting the splicer. They shook around wildly, Jacob couldn't see their faces due to the masks but that didn't matter because his head was smashed with a sledge hammer seconds later. Which frightened him more then he cared to admit, "get up Jacob, please. We need to go!" as she holds out her hand.

Grabbing her had she pulled him up, looking around the room was littered with corpses. There was nothing but an eerie silence in the room for several seconds before a loud screech echoed from everywhere at once followed by a relatively quiet explosion.

He knew it was stupid, but he ran to where the explosion came from and dragged Brianna with him.

Seeing a light up ahead he noticed he was standing on a balcony of some sort, looking down he saw two figures. One was an Elite Big Brother, but it looked different then herald. This one had a little bit less armour covering the arms, and his harvester was attached to his gauntlet as opposed to the forearm guard it was built into. The needle couldn't have been longer then six inches. On his left hand he had the same forearm mounted knife Herald did.

His legs from his knees to his ankles had no armour, his boots were a different colour metal as the rest of his armour. Possibly from a deceased Big Daddy. Jacob reasoned.

The big brother chuckled darkly, and the second figure ran away.

"You killed my brother... now I'm going to kill you, and little girlfriend too." Jacob hadn't even noticed the remaining Big Brother was looking at him.

"Harold?" Jacob asked. What he got for an answer was a handful of explosive marbles being thrown at him. Reacting just in time Jacob and Brianna jumped as far as they could, landing on what he could only guess was a chandelier. 'Perfect, if Harold wants to play rough then i'll give him a taste of his own medicine.' Jacob thought. Taking the remaining marbles he had left he threw them at the very top of the chain holding the chandelier up. Causing it to break and fall. Right onto Harold, if his scream of pain was anything to go by.

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