Chapter 18 The End Of The Beginning Of The End.

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Rapture, Time Unknown:

Staring at the lifeless body of Gilbert Jacob couldn't believe it. It was finally over, looking at the Little Sister's and the Big Sister's he smiled at them. They saw him as a hero, never in his life had anybody thought he could do this, all the heroes that he had read about are fake, but... here he was. An actual person who saved hundreds of people.

Now he understood, every time he told his father he wanted to be a Big Brother to be a hero, when his father told him that he didn't need to be one to become a hero.

"A person with courage is not the one who has never shown fear. The person with true courage is the one who has known fear, but has faced it to do what is right." Jacob would always be thankful to his father, mother, and his favourite teacher for their life lessons.

Looking Jacob ran over and unlocked the vault which the Big Brothers' were kept in, they jumped out and dogpiled him. Jacob couldn't make out the individual words of any of them due to every Brother talking at once, but he had a feeling they were thanking him.

"Jacob, I take back everything I said about you being a loser." Gerald as he shook Jacob's right hand. "Yeah man, your a hero." Harold said shaking his left.

Butch got everyones' attention. "Guys, lets give three cheers for our new General! Hipp hipp!"


"Hip hip!"


"Hip Hip!"


After that the Big Sisters came over and began to argue with the Big Brothers, something about them being wrong about calling them Big Babies and whiners and how they demanded an apology. Jacob was still getting his breath back from being under a pile of people wearing armour that weighed a ton.

Hearing the taping of some one walking over to him, Jacob turns around to see Brianna and Rodey walking over to him, "have either of you found seen our dad?" he questioned his brother. "No, we havent had the time to look yet" Rodey admitted.

Looking around Jacob looked for his father. "Jacob! Rodey!" A voice announced. A strong hand grasped his shoulder, looking behind him Jacob saw his dad. The real Ryan this time, not Roan.

"Dad." Jacob said, he wanted to say more, but that was all he could come up with.

"I'm very proud of you. Both of you. When you came here I was worried that you two wouldn't make it, but you both proved me wrong." said Ryan.

"You saw me?" asked Jacob.

"I was always watching you." Ryan said proudly, Jacob couldn't hold himself back anymore and hugged his father.

"Beat that Sophie! I'd like to see you top what we did." Rodey cheered in his mind.

"Ahem." Someone cleared their throat behind Ryan, breaking the embrace Jacob and Ryan looked at Roan.

Ryan and Roan looked at one another oddly for a few seconds. It was like staring at a mirror. "Weird." They both said at the same time.

"Dad, this is your long lost twin Roan." Jacob introduced Roan. looking at him Ryan asked "Should we hug or something?"

Roan chuckled. "No, but I think we have to demand a few answers from our father."

"You got that right." Ryan said.

"Yeah, but before you guys go and start thinking up all the punishments you want to give to grandfather, lets all just go home." Jacob interrupted.

"Yeah, home sounds nice right about now." said Roan.

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