Chapter 15 So We Meet Again Mr. Andrew

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Rapture, upper atrium:

It took about three hours for Jacob and the rest to get back to the atrium. He had several plasmids he could now confidently say he could use, Electro-bolt, Incinerate, Winter Blast and cyclone trap. But was it enough to fight the Big Brother General?

"Jacob, you there?" asked Gear.

"Yeah I'm here." Jacob Answered glumly. He was still upset over the death of his favorite teacher.

"Good. I overheard that you were going to face the general Big brother. I have something that might help."

"Thanks. I would appreciate it." said Jacob,

"Go to the True blades vending machine in the upper atrium. You'll find it there." said Gear before logging off.

Obeying his orders Jacob went to the nearest vending machine.

It was settled next to a strip club, looking at it Jacob shivered in disgust as he remembered Jack and Delta's stories about being inside before paying attention to the machine. "Disgusting place." Brianna commented.

"Yeah too bad they are not staffed any more." Fred joked "would have been a great way to pass the time." this comment got him a glare from the young woman.

Settled on the bottom was a small box with a single bow on it.

"Gear must have asked a Little Sister to deliver it." Rodey muttered as his brother picked up the box. It was a shoe box.

Opening it he found some sort of attachment that was supposed to go on his wrist, it had a small harpoon and cord.

As a test Jacob attached it, pointed up at the roof, and pulled back the string before letting it go. The bolt shot out of the small crossbow like device and slammed into the ceiling, the six inch long piece of metal was stuck almost halfway into the solid concrete when the small cloud of dust settled. Noticing a red button on the gadget Jacob pressed it, his wrist suddenly jerked upward as the mechanism designed to retrieve the bolt finally succeeded in yanking the slim piece of metal out of the ceiling.

Examining the bolt launcher, he realized it could be a good way to silently take out enemies at long range.

Smiling he felt confident this would be enough to take down a Big Brother if he aimed correctly.

'Its now or never.' Jacob thought gravely as they all walked over to the Fleet Hall, looking at every one Jacob said "You can turn back and go home if you want." Sparrow loudly beeped two times, and jerked left and right in mid-air. "Can't get rid of us that easily" said Rodey as he clambered into Jacobs cage.

Nodding Jacob gulped and approached the Fleet Hall entrance. Slowly he reached for the doorknob and opened the door. The hallway he found himself in was dimly lit, but he could still see fairly well. Taking one more breath Jacob slowly entered the hallway. The doors closed behind him.

Quiet, was the best way to describe the hallway. The only noise made was the sound of his boots hitting against the floor, even Sparrow was quiet.

Looking around once he went through one more doorway he saw in this hallway was the history of rapture.

Apparently evolution did a heel face turn and people were inscribing history on walls again like cavemen again. There were all the drawings his father drew on the walls. The party of new years eve. Jack and the Little Sisters. Sophia and the Big sisters. Eleanor. His father, everything.

His attention was grabbed completely by the last drawing however.

Within the painting was an armoured figure. The thin build of the figure was smaller then the Big Daddies. The Harvester attached to his right arm, the oval shaped visor, and bulkier armor set him apart from his female counterpart, proving the figure was the fabled Big Brother. He was standing with his left leg forward, knees bent. His right arm pulled back with electricity sparking off his clenched fist while his left arm was held at his side, his elbow bent, his left hand palm up with the finger slightly curled, a burning red/orange fireball held clenched within them. The glow of the fire was only matched by the red light from within the helmet, a small taste of the pure fury those who crossed him would face. The metal cage on his back had dozens upon dozens of bows and ribbons tied around it, showing exactly how well he protected his Sisters, them having tied one every time they were done collecting Adam for the day.

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