Chapter 7 Big problem:

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Rapture: Time Unknown

Jacob walked the halls of Rapture as quietly as he could. Rapture, it scared the living daylights out of him. It wasn't anything like his dad, Mark, Daniel, or Delta had described to him. No, it was far worse than anything he had been told. Being told about something and experiencing it were two very different things, he was finding out first hand.

Up ahead he saw a faint red light. Jacob thought of the worst things it could be. It could be an extremely angry Big Sister. Maybe some sort of trap. Fire in a trash can that he was told splicers gathered around was also possible. He knew he would probably be easy picking for Splicer's at the moment. Movement was getting easier, but he was still awkward.

He stopped for a moment and listened, "I'm a little teacup short and small, here is my handle, here is my spout." He heard someone singing, every couple of words was interrupted by an odd sound. He'd never heard anything like it before. The closest thing he could compare it to was someone hitting sand with a pickax.

"Must be a Little Sister." Jacob whispered to himself as he walked to get a closer look.

Debris beneath his feet shattered under his weight as he walked, "KID STOP!" Lev shouted at him through the radio, Jacob immediately obeyed. Looking at the ground right in front of himself Jacob shined his light on the floor and saw why Lev yelled. One more step and Jacob would have taken a very nasty fall.

Sighing in relief Jacob took a rock from the ground and dropped it in the hole. He counted to twenty before he heard the rock hit the bottom, his guess the drop would have been at least fifteen to twenty feet.

"Thanks Lev." Jacob said, "No problem. Remember Kid, my aim is to keep you alive." Lev assured, then added. "Look to your left at the bottom of the drop."

Jacob obeyed, looking at the spot Lev mentioned and saw nothing but darkness, "I don't see anything" Jacob said, Lev paused for a few seconds before he spoke again "ah, her it is. I'll turn on the lights." The lights immediately turned on, flooding the entire place with light. It blinded Jacob for a few seconds.

He blinked rapidly to clear his vision and looked around. "Ah, much better. I thought for a second there that there was no more power, but I guess I was wrong." Lev muttered to himself, Jacob barely heard him as he was busy looking. He underestimated the height of the fall. The drop was no more than ten feet, at most, and it wasn't a hole, it looked like he was on the second floor of a giant shopping area. Looking around Jacob also saw a bunch of stores, an elevator, and a flight of stairs. Jacob's guess was that with a little bit of love and lots and lots of cleaning this place could be magnificent.

"Welcome to the Upper Atrium, once home to the fabled Big Brother."

The same little sister... what was her name? Mila, was busy doing something. Looking closer he saw her stabbing a corpse in the stomach, which was glowing red, this also seemed to be the source of the noise. "Get closer to her, try to be sneaky though, her Sister can't be far away from where she is." Red instructed.

Jacob wanted to laugh, his sister couldn't be much older than her. How could he be afraid of a little girl? Looking for a way down Jacob's guess was that the fastest way to get down where the Little Sister was was to simply drop. Noticing the railing in front of him he tried to hop up onto it and then drop down, unfortunately he didn't know his own strength and ended up jumping wrong.

Jacob ended up snagging his foot on the railing and flew rather gracefully through the air, flipping as he went, and slammed into the ground head first not even five feet away from the humming Little Sister.

Just sitting there for several moments trying to form the words "I hate you gravity." He realised the fall didn't hurt much. Well, it still hurt quite a bit, but he guessed it would have been a lot worse if he hadn't been wearing armour.

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