Chapter 4 Trouble:

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Sarah Bolger Elementary: 12:00am:

Jacob was walking through one of his school's many hallways, "I'm ready for this... I'm ready for this... i'm ready. I really need to stop that." he muttered to himself. The end of the hall began to get closer, hanging on the wall was the school bulletin board.

There were almost a dozen papers on it, but only one had what Jacob was looking for on it. It was for a play titled A Hundred Leagues Below Sea, Jacob stopped for a moment, feeling his stomach tie in knots. He was beginning to think this was a bad idea.

Shaking his head he thought, 'I have to do it... to show them that Sophie isn't the only one with talent." He stared at the sign in paper, there was a pen attached to a cord next to it. Jacob stared at it for some time before he suddenly heard a noise.

There were stairs to his left, which the bigger kids used to go to their classrooms upstairs. Sitting on the third step was Rodey staring at Jacob. Giving him a smile. Jacob smiled at his brother before taking the pen and signing his name on the paper. Walking over to his brother and sitting down beside him they talk about what being in the play will be like for Jacob.

Thanksgiving: 5:00pm

Thanksgiving, the best day of the year... for humans that is. For turkeys that meant two things, death and followed by being stuffed. The Andrew family made a big deal about thanksgiving. every year the whole family, the whole family, got together to celebrate. The house was always packed with people. There were at least twenty people inside of the house at the moment.

Jacob was now mingling with the guests. It was both a good thing and a bad thing to be doing. Good because he got to talk to them, bad because well... they were cheek pinchers. 'Rodey was lucky, he got out before the pinches' Jacob thought, Rodey always snuck out to the shed and tinkered any time there was a party or celebration, especially on their birthday.

Looking at his Dad across the room he had to admit he cleaned up nice. He wore a good white dress shirt and black suit pants while his blond hair was combed neatly. but he looked exhausted, there were large bags under his eyes. Jacob knew his dad wasn't getting a lot of sleep lately. He'd been having a lot of strange nightmares and he ended up not sleeping at all at night.

"Okay everybody, turkey time!" Stanley Poole announced, no sooner had he said that then the stampede of people charged into the kitchen, bowling him over in the process. Sitting down in the chairs they waited to eat the enormous feast set on the table. Gravy, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, a few different kinds of salad, and even a few loafs of home baked bread.

Sophia and Daniel entered the dining room carrying the three turkeys a few seconds later. Golden roasted, stuffed, and steaming hot, they looked absolutely delicious.

"They look good." Cindy said aloud, almost tempted to wipe her mouth in case she was drooling as she sat next to her father, Mark.

"Its a shame Tenenbaum and Mathew couldn't come." auntie masha said.

"Yeah she was... Ryan? You don't look too good right now. " Auntie Rosie asked, clearly worried. "I'm fine Rosie, I'm serious." Ryan defended, "well you look as tired as Rosie's saint bernard." Mashsa joked, "hey! Monk does not look that tired. But really Ryan you need to go rest or we'll make you" Rosie ordered.

Everyone looked over at Ryan, his hand still shaking. He was staring at her with a look that sent a feeling of defeat. A second later he rubbed his eyes with his pointer and thumb, looking around. "S-sorry." He stuttered before leaving to his bedroom in a hurry.

Thanksgiving: 8:00pm

Ryan pulled an old trunk from his closet, opening it he pulled out his old Big Brother suit. It was just as he remembered it. Putting it on he found it felt a little odd. It still fit him after all these years though.

"RYAN ANDREW!" shouted Eleanor angrily as she barged into the room, she looked shocked at Ryan's armoured form before continuing, "WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" Taking a deep breath Ryan explained "Something is going on in Rapture. I don't know what, but I'm going to find out and stop it."

"No, you're a father now! Your kids need you, you can't just leave because you have a gut feeling that that hellhole at the bottom of the ocean is anything but gone and forgotten!" Eleanor Shouted, tears were streaming down her face as she talked. The thought of Rapture always made her emotional.

Ryan walked over to her and hugged her tightly, "I know, I know. But I have to do this, for all of us. If i'm wrong, i'll be back so-" "Let me come with you at least. I can't bear to be apart from you again." Eleanor pleaded.

"No Eleanor, our children need you." Ryan said as he let go of her and turned back to the chest. He grabbed his helmet and put it on, the light apparently still worked because it glowed green.

"They need you too, I need you too! Either we both go or no one goes." Eleanor demanded as she latched onto him, even after all these years and the fact that he was wearing armour she was still stronger than him. She was holding him in place despite every effort on his part to leave.

Sighing Ryan finally spoke up, "I ha- haah... you're right as you usually are." She let go of him slowly. He stayed still for a second and took a deep breath before taking off the suit.

Eleven minutes later she pulled Ryan to the bed and held onto him as though he might blow away any moment. Ryan closed his eyes that night, knowing he made the right choice.

To be continued...

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