Chapter 9 Hell House:

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Rapture, Entrance To The Medical Pavilion: ?

"Lev...I think we're lost." Jacob admitted as he stopped walking. He felt like he had walked for hours, who knows, maybe he had. But he couldn't tell because all the clocks hung around the walls were either not working or had all different times on them, plus he was who knows how deep underwater. Its was very difficult, if not impossible, to tell how much time had passed.

Stopping in place Jacob sighed, "So who's your friend Jacob?" Brianna muttered as she slapped the back of his helmet. Taking it off Jacob picked up the necklace he had hung around his neck. opening the pendant he saw the clock, which by some miracle still worked, and saw it was 9:00 am.

'I wish this clock could tell me what day it is. How long was I out?' He mused.

"Yep... Your lost alright, you took a wrong turn and ended up in the Medical Pavilion." Lev said, interrupting his thoughts.

"Medical Pavilion? Is it safe here?" Brianna asked.

"You are, without a doubt, the most naive person I have ever met." Lev said in a rather amused tone. "You two need to get out of there now."

"Why?" Jacob asked back. The place seemed a little run down sure, but not dangerous.

"Because that place is not like a hospital you might see on the surface. This place is a nut house, the hell hole of Rapture." Lev explained.

"I thought Rapture itself was already a hell hole?"

"True, but every hole has a part where it's deepest. The Medical Pavilion just happens to be Rapture's."

"What happened?"

"If I tell, you two must promise to leave as soon as possible. But I promise you, its pretty gruesome." Bargained Lev.

"Okay." Brianna nodded.

Taking a pause for a deep breath, Lev began. "Originally, when the Medical Pavilion was founded, it became the hub for all medical business and inquiries in Rapture, and was responsible for treating all illnesses and health-related problems. As Adam became widely distributed among the citizens of Rapture, its self-healing abilities practically removed the need for all of the Pavilion's healing facilities, aside from a doctor trained enough to inject the patient with Adam that is... However, due to the instability of Adam caused by its excessive use amongst many of Rapture's citizens, unforeseen physical mutations began to occur. In response, many hospital facilities quickly became replaced by cosmetic surgical facilities such as Dandy Dental and Dr. Steinman's Aesthetic Ideals."

"Doctor. Stainman?" asked Jacob,

"No... not Stainman, Steinman. Although that name would fit rather well after what happened to him." Lev muttering the last part before continuing his tale. "Dr. Steinman was one of the highest ranking doctors, a cosmetic surgeon who was known to be a perfectionist in his work. Dr. Steinman was the head surgeon in the department of Aesthetic Ideals, and believed strongly in the remarkable effects of Adam. However, as Dr. Steinman began to progress with constant use of Adam, he began to suffer chronic brain damage and physical mutations. The more deformed he became, the more he pondered on "perfecting" his skills by deforming his patients as well. Out of all the reported cases of his surgical abuse, the most famous was of Diane McClintock, whose face was probably distorted even more after Atlas's attack. Dr. Steinman's growing insanity shows what "splicing" can potentially do to anyone, and how inhumane the prospects of Adam and plasmids can truly be."

Hearing the story made Jacob feel nervous. Was that doctor still here? Because if Dr. Steinman was here Jacob would prefer to receive his mother's wonder cure than meet the crazy doctor.

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