Chapter 1

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"Of course, you're hiding up here" my best friend who also happens to be the love of my life Kaitlyn says climbing into the treehouse. I turn around smiling and just shrug, "I just hate parties, especially ones that all my family and dad's friends attend." "I know" Kaitlyn says giving me a sympathetic smile and sits down next to me as we watch everyone at the party talking about who knows what in different groups. My dad Bill talking to some of his work buddies, my brother Rodrik and his girlfriend Bianca talking to my mom Lena and Bianca's parents, and everyone else talking in different groups. I sigh and look over at Kaitlyn, "I'm just really happy I could invite you Katie, you're the one good thing about tonight." "Aww Ri" Kaitlyn says flashing her million dollar smile.

We just continue to stare in each other's eyes as the party noise slowly disappears and it feels like we are the only two people that exist. Now feels like the perfect time to tell tell her the truth about me. "Katie..." I say looking anywhere but at her while playing with my fingers as I grow nervous all of a sudden, "I uh I need to tell you something, something that I discovered about myself." "You know you can tell me anything" Kaitlyn says grabbing my hand and holding it gently with hers. "I'm just...I'm just scared" I whisper, still not looking at her. "If you're not comfortable you don't have to tell me" Kaitlyn says, "Tell me when you feel comfortable."

"I want to tell you, believe me I really do want to tell you" I say then look at her, "It's just...I'm terrified that you will hate me and want nothing to do with me once I tell you. The last thing I want is to lose you, that's why I've kept this a secret for so long." "I could never hate you" Kaitlyn says looking me in the eyes, "And good luck getting rid of me, you're stuck with me for life. No take backs, sorry not sorry." "Katie...I'm...I'm..." I say trying to gather the courage to tell her, "Katie I'm-" "Ri you need to come down before your dad comes looking for you" my mom says opening the door to the treehouse and interrupting me, "Oh Kaitlyn, I didn't realize you were here."

"Hello Lena" Kaitlyn says smiling. "We will be right down mom" I say. My mom leaves and I sigh. So close...yet so far. I guess it wasn't the right time to tell her. "Let's go join the party before your dad gets mad at you" Kaitlyn says exiting the treehouse. I exit the treehouse and meet Kaitlyn at the bottom. We walk over to the center of my yard where my dad is currently in the middle of some speech. "-Ball scholarship" my dad says smiling with pride at my older brother, "And where is Rika?" I see my dad looking around and the last thing I want to do is become the center of attention, but I know if I don't make myself known it will not end well for me.

I start walking over to dad while trying to hide my discomfort as best as I can. My dad spots me when I am about halfway over, "There's my darling daughter Rika." I give a fake smile to my dad but on the inside, I am cringing. I make it over to my dad and pray that this will be as quick and painless as possible. "As you all know this is my daughter Rika" my dad says while I really wish he would stop saying that, "She will be graduating eighth grade this year at the top of her class while leading the cheerleaders to another championship." I smile nervously while looking at the ground trying my hardest to keep up this façade while I am cringing on the inside. "All in all I am proud of my only son Rodrik and only daughter Rika" my dad says. I just want to run away and get out of this awkward situation, but I know I can't. "To Rodrik and Rika" my dad says raising his beer while his friends and my family raise their drinks and cheer for us.

Once they finish their cheer, the first chance I get, I quietly and quickly escape to my room. I close my door and slump down on my bed sighing. I see my football that must have rolled out of the bag that's hidden under my bed. I grab it and throw it at the wall as hard as I can trying to release some of my pent up frustration. I see that there is now a small hole in my wall. Well shit...I'm going to be in so much trouble with my dad when he finds out. But right now, I could care less as I fall backwards onto my bed as I just start to cry in frustration of the messed up situation I am currently stuck in.

I'm however knocked out of my current thoughts when I hear someone open my door. I look over and see that it's Kaitlyn. "There you are, me and Lena have been looking everywhere for you for like the last half hour" she says, "Wait...are you ok? Have you been crying?" I just smile and shake my head. Thank you mom for sending the one person that can make me feel better. "Uh yeah I'm fine...I just got something in my eye" I say sitting up on my elbows. She gives me her "I'm not buying that" look but doesn't push it, "You want to watch a movie, or we can just talk."

"A movie sounds good" I say, "You pick one out and I'll go steal us some snacks from the party downstairs." "Sounds like a plan" Kaitlyn says. I head downstairs and quickly steal some food and drinks before anyone notices me. When I reenter my room, I see that Kaitlyn has chosen Dear John and has made herself comfortable on my bed. I join her on my bed and put the snacks between us before hitting play. Halfway through the movie, Kaitlyn snuggles into my side and has fallen asleep. I smile down at her as I turn off the movie and wrap my arm around her, getting comfortable before I drift off to sleep.

This was requested by a number of people, so here it is for those of you that have requested it.  I hope you guys enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?

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