Chapter 6

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I groan as my alarm goes off, telling me it's time to wake up and get ready for my personal hell, I mean school. I absolutely hate going to school, the teasing is nonstop and has turned physical and violent for the last couple of weeks. It started with being slammed into lockers and roughly being tackled. That still happens but now I am also being body checked and thrown into lockers, getting kicked and punched as people pass me, having objects thrown at me, thrown into the dumpsters and locked in to name some.

I still haven't told anyone, Kaitlyn is still joining them and not doing anything to stop them. I just don't know how much more I can take til I snap. And the next time I see Kaitlyn I'm gonna tell her that we can no longer be friends as much as that will hurt me and I don't want to. She hasn't been much of a friend to me and has changed to the point that I don't even recognize her anymore.

I get dressed for school strategically making sure to wear clothes that would cover any bruises so that my family, specifically my mom doesn't see them. Once I'm dressed, I head downstairs for breakfast. "Morning Ryker" mom says handing me a plate. "Morning" I reply digging into my breakfast. "Are you excited for the game tomorrow" mom asks. Honestly no, because everyone else is more interested in seeing how many times I get tackled than actually practicing and we are unprepared. "Yes" I say instead. "Just a heads up" mom says, "Your dad will be getting home the day after the game."

"Thanks for the heads up mom" I say putting my plate in the sink and grabbing my backpack and practice bag. Mom drops me off at school and I hide out in the back of the school where no one is until the warning bell rings. That's when I head into school and go to my locker. I ignore what's written on my locker and drop off my bag before beheading to class. As usual I have to put up with all the teasing and mocking. It is now lunch, which means I am halfway through this torture.

I head to the cafeteria and get in line. I'm almost at the front when Kaitlyn and her friends cut in line behind me and one cuts in front of me. I eye them suspiciously as I get my lunch. The one behind me shoves me which causes me to stumble forward into the guy in front of me, spilling my food all over myself. The one in front of my turns around quickly, throwing his food in my face. "Oh" the guy says mockingly, "My bad girl." I clench my jaw as I wipe the food off my face as people start laughing at me. "I'm sorry" the guy behind me says in a mocking tone, "It was a freak accident."

I look behind him to see even Kaitlyn laughing at my expense. I just scoff and walk to my locker to grab my practice clothes to change into. "Where are you going" one of the girls asks, "We aren't done yet tranny." I stop walking and turn to face them glaring. I've had enough, I'm gonna do something. Once they are standing in front of me, I punch one of the guys in the face and kick the other one. "Things just got interesting" the guy I punch says. A fight breaks out between the three of us.

I get a couple of good hits in, but they definitely get in way more hits than me. By the time teachers come and separate us, the two boys between them have a cut lip and a bruised cheek, me on the other hand is a different story. I am covered in bruises, my ribs are very sore, my lip is busted up, there is a cut on my eyebrow, and I'm pretty sure my nose is broken. I am taken to the nurses office.

Once I am cleared, I am taken to the principal's office. Great, moms gonna find out what has been happening over the last like month and about the fight I started earlier. She is going to be pissed. "So who wants to tell me what happened" the principal asks. I just look down at the ground playing with my fingers. "She sucker punched me" one of the boys said, "And then kicked my friend." "We were just defending ourselves" the other boy says. "Mhm" the principal says after several seconds of silence, "Everyone but Rika leave."

Once it's just us, the principal asks, "Now that it's just us, are they the ones that have been harrassing you for the last month?" "Um..." I say. "Now I'm going to tell you what I think" the principal asks, "I think that they are at least some of the people if not all the ones responsible for the harassment you have been receiving for the last month. Am I close? Remember this is a safe place and I just want the truth."

"Some of the people responsible" I mumble. "I figured as much" the principal says, "You do realize that I have to tell your mother now." "Yes" I mumble. "And did you throw the first punch" the principal asks. "Yes" I mumble. "Alright wait outside while I talk to them" the principal says. I exit the office and sit down in the corner and wait. I'm not sure how long I was sitting there before I was called back into the office. "I have called all your parents" the principal says, "They will be here shortly."

Shortly after that my dad was the first one to walk into the office. Both of our eyes widen when we see each other. My eyes widen from the shock that dad is the one that came. My dads eyes widen from the sight of me before he looks angry and then covering it up with a neutral expression. Well shit. This day just went from bad to worse.

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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