Chapter 10

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Me and Rodrik walk into the house after our morning jog. "Still trying to figure out how you have all that stamina" Rodrik says walking to the fridge and grabbing two water bottles. He throws one to me that I catch, "It's to avoid getting tackled because my o-line refuses to defend me." "Still don't understand how your coach hasn't caught on and why you don't just tell him what's going on" Rodrik says. "It would cause unnecessary drama and it's not like I'll be going there next year anyways" I reply drinking half the bottle, "Besides, it just helps me look better on the field."

"I guess that's one way to look at it" Rodrik says. I finish off the bottle before taking a shower and getting dressed. When I enter the kitchen mom is already placing my plate down at my spot, "Morning Ryker. You excited for the big game in a few days?" "Morning mom" I say sitting down, "I'm excited, especially considering that if we win the state semi game, then it will be the first time in our school's history that we go to the state championship and I would be that quarterback that did it."

"Hurry up" Rodrik says, "We still have to pick Bianca up." "Alright, chill" I say, "I'm almost done." "Rodrik be nice" mom says, "Don't be rude." "Sorry. Break a leg" Rodrik says, "Can we go now?" "As you wish" I reply sarcastically and mockingly bowing. "Now that's more like it" Rodrik says, "I'll be in the car." I run up to my room to grab my bags before running back downstairs. "Bye mom" I say. "What am I going to do with you two" mom asks shaking her head, "Bye Ryker, have a good day." "Bye mom" I reply.

Rodrik picks up Bianca before dropping me off at school. The day goes by like normal, attend my classes, eat lunch alone, and avoid getting injured during practice. After practice like normal, Rodrik and Bianca are waiting for me. "Ready to go" Rodrik asks. "Yep" I reply walking over. "Ryker, I'm glad I caught you before you left" Coach Jones says, "Can I speak to you, I got some pretty big news." "Yeah" I say, "I'll meet you at the car." "Alright" Rodrik says as he and Bianca walk to his car.

I follow coach to his office and take a seat across from him, "So what's the big news?" "I got an email this morning from Mountain View High" Coach Jones says, "They are very interested in you and have offered you a full ride on a football scholarship." "Wait, are you serious" I ask shocked. "This is serious, they actually want to set up a meeting to t you as soon as possible" Coach Jones says, "Take a couple days to think it over and then get back to me." "Ok" I say standing up and exiting the office. I walk to Rodrik's car still trying to process what I was just told.

"So what did your coach want" Bianca asks as Rodrik backs out. "Apparently I am being scouted by Mountain View High" I reply. "No way" Rodrik asks glancing at me through the rear view mirror, smiling trying to contain his excitement. "That's one of the most prestigious schools" Bianca says, "Congrats." After several seconds of silence, Rodrik asks, "You are going to accept it...right?" "I...I don't know" I say. "Honestly I think this you should accept the offer, this is the perfect opportunity" Rodrik says, "You would be going to a prestigious school on the other side making the hane of you running into someone from here very slim and your going to one of the top high school football programs increasing your chances of getting oud for college, plus you get to do what you love."

"Yeah...I just want to make sure it is the right move and school" I reply as Rodrik pulls into the driveway, "Let mom know I'm going for a walk." I begin to walk aimlessly down the street thinking over everything that has happened over the last several months, the huge changes in my life, a second chance in the form of a fresh start somewhere away from here, the life changing offer I received. With everything running through my head, I make a pros and cons list in my head. When I look up, I see that I am standing by a local coffee shop down the street from my place.

I decide to grab a drink while I continue to think over everything. Before I can open the door, it opens into my face, knocking me to the ground. "Oh my God" a girl says dropping down to my level, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry." "I'm fine, don't worry about it" I say looking at her, "Although I probably won't be picking anymore fights with a door." The girl giggles at me joke, "That's probably for the best." I stand up and hold my hand out to help her up, "But hey, I'll get an awesome battle scar from it."

"That will work in your favor since chicks dig scars" the girl says extending her hand out, "I'm Alexandra, but friends call me Lexa." "Friends uh" I say raising my eyebrow before shaking her hand, "I'm Ryker." "How about I buy you a coffee since you got hurt defending my honor against the door" Lexa says. I think over the offer for a few seconds and figure I could use a distraction from everything, plus it couldn't hurt to make a new friend, "Sure." I hold the door open for Lexa and enter after her. We walk up to the cashier and I place my order.

Lexa then leads me to a table in the back corner of the store. "So tell me a bit about yourself Lexa" I say. "My name is Alexandra Heard, Lexa to friends. I'm in eighth grade" Lexa says, "I'm a huge bookworm, kids consider me a nerd, and I'm down here visiting some family but I can't stand my cousin so I had to get out of the house. What about you?" "Well my name is Ryker Quill and I'm also in eighth grade" I say. "Didn't anyone ever tell you honesty is the best policy Rika" someone says behind me. I turn to see Kaitlyn and her new friends.


Thanks for reading.  Sorry for the late update, a lot has been going on and I haven't had a lot of free time.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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