Chapter 21

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A new story will be coming out within the week called This Is Me, I would appreciate it if you checked it out.  Osiris is a transgender man starting at a new school several months into the school year. Everyone thinks he is weird until he runs into the it girl on campus. Now he must navigate the maze of friendships, new feelings, an ex, and his secret.

I'm also debating if I want to do a bonus chapter of Ryker and Lexa's future.  Let me know if you would like this, and if enough people say yes I will write one.  If not, then this is the final chapter.

While I'm dancing with Lexa as a distraction, Lincoln, Kobe, Enzo, and Adonis run to my truck to grab everything and set up the stage. "Oh hey" Lexa says as we dance, "I got a call earlier today and I got the part." "What, no way" I say in excitement as I break out in a smile, "That's amazing Lexa." I pick her up and spin her around causing her to squeal and giggle. "Why didn't you tell me when you first got the news" I ask. "It was shortly before your game and it was your biggest game. I knew you needed to be lasered focused and I didn't want to distract you in any way." "I'm so proud of you baby" I say, "I knew you would get that part."

"Thank you for believing in me" Lexa says. "I'll always be in your corner and I'll always be your number one fan" I say, "And thank you for always believing in me." "How could I not" Lexa asks, "You're the greatest boyfriend ever." I lean down and connect our lips in a slow, passion filled kiss. "I love you Lexa" I say. "And I love you Ryker" Lexa says. "First off can you two stop being this disgustingly cute" Clove asks, "And two, what are you celebrating?" "I got the part" Lexa says. "That's amazing, congrats Lexa" Pedro says hugging her. "What part did you get again" Clove asks. "I got cast as Tory Nichols from Rivalries From The Past, A Cobra Kai Story" Lexa says, "Shooting starts soon and I can't wait to work with AcidRain-L, the amazing script writer for this story."

"This calls for celebratory shots" Clove says. Clove returns shortly with four shots. "To Lexa" Clove says as her and Lexa hold their shot in the air, "And landing her first of many roles." "To Lexa" me and Pedro say raising our shots in the air. We then drink. "I'm gonna go grab a water, you guys want anything" I ask. "I'm good, thanks though" Pedro says, "But we should go find the other guys." "I think I saw them over by the stage" Clove says. "I'll meet you guys over there" I say. Pedro, Clove, and Lexa walk over to the stage while I stand there breathing in and out trying to calm my nerves. It's time Ryker. You've got this. You can do this. "Let's do this" I say. "Ryker" Kaitlyn says. You have got to be kidding me, I really don't want to deal with her now.

"What are you-how did you-why are you here" I ask. "I'm just gonna come out and say it" Kaitlyn says, "I love you Ryker, I'm in love with you. Do you still love me?" "I..." I say, "Why are you doing this? Can't you see that I've moved and am happy." "Because I love you" Kaitlyn says grabbing my hand, "And I need to know if there is still a chance for us." I pull my hand out of Kaitlyn's grasp, "No. I have to go but it was nice seeing you again and good luck with all your future endeavors." I walk off towards the stage and I hear Kaitlyn follow after me. "Ryker" Kaitlyn says, "I know you're still in love with me and wonder what could have happened. So just stop being difficult and give in to what you want."

I turn around to confront her when someone yells, "Hey!" Everyone goes quiet and makes a circle around us as Lexa walks over. "Listen here you bitch" Lexa says getting in Kaitlyn's face, "You didn't want Ryker so he upgraded to me. Get it through your head that we are together and that he chose me. And I'm sure as hell ain't gonna make the same big mistake as you and let him go. So why don't you go back to whatever sewer you crawled out of and let Ryker be happy." The crowd 'Ooohs". "Yeah that's right, you tell her" Clove yells out. "No, you listen here second choice" Kaitlyn says, "Ryker chose me first, I was his first love. You'll always be second to me. So why don't you save yourself the embarrassment and get out of here while you still have some of your dignity and let Ryker be with who he was always meant to be with?"

The crowd once again "Ooohs". "That's it bitch" Clove says going to attack Kaitlyn before Pedro grabs and holds her back, "No one disrespects my best friend!" "Is that so, because according to him, I'm his first everything. And lets just say football isn't the only sport he's good at" Lexa asks. "You bitch" Kaitlyn says. "Atta boy Ryk" Enzo says patting me on the back causing my face to burn. "Ooohs" can be heard from the crowd. "Why don't you I show you why Ryker fell for me first and still wants me" Kaitlyn says walking onto the stage. How did this go from me proposing to Lexa to Kaitlyn and Lexa fighting over me?

The crowd cheers as Kaitlyn walks off the stage and over to me. Kaitlyn crosses her hands over her chest and smirks at Lexa, "And that's how it's done." "Can I punch her now" Clove asks and Pedro grabs her once again. "Now let me try explaining this in a language that you might understand" Lexa says walking up onto the stage and whispering something into one of the guys' ears. He nods and says something to his friends who all grab their instruments. Lexa grabs a mic.

Everyone cheers as Lexa pulls me into a kiss while Kaitlyn stands there fuming. Yep, Lexa is definitely the girl of my dreams and its time. I discreetly nod at Pedro and Clove. They nod back and let the rest of the guys know that it's time as I grab the mic from Lexa's hand and place it in the stand. Clove pulls out her phone and starts to record part two. "There's something I need to say" I say, "Yes Kaitlyn, you were my first love and will always have a special place in my heart but Lexa...did I mention that I'm in love with you?" The guy begins to play his guitar and Lexa laughs.

I met this girl that rocked my world

Like it's never been rocked

And now I'm living just for her (and I point at Lexa)

And I won't ever stop

I never thought that it could happen

To a guy like me (Motioning at me)

But now look at what you've done (I spin Lexa around and Pedro hands me the ring)

You got me (I get down on my knee and open the box to reveal the ring) down on my knee

Lexa covers her mouth in shock and begins to cry. "Alexandra Heard" I say, "I met you at a rough time in my life and you accepted me for me-" "Yes" Lexa says. "Yes" I ask. "No" Kaitlyn yells. "Yes" Lexa says. I smile as I slide the ring on Lexa's finger and stand up pulling her into a kiss as everyone cheers. "I love you Ryker Quill" Lexa says. "And I love you Alexandra Heard soon to be Quill" I say.

Thanks for reading.  I appreciated everyone that took the time to read the whole story, who commented, and voted.  What did you think of that ending?  Don't forget to check out my new story coming out within the week.  And as always votes and comments are appreciated.

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