EVENT November 10, 2023

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My three friends are sitting around in my living room. Empty take-out containers litter the coffee table, but I can't be bothered to clear it up. My stomach is acting up. Anyway, it is more amusing to watch James try to open a bottle of Chianti.

I just dropped the entire Zee bomb, and my stomach is feeling worse.

"NO way! I can't believe he hit and quit.", James said.

"Wow, that doesn't make me feel trashy at all.", I said.

"Are you okay?", asked Nat.

I nodded my head. I can barely be honest with myself how can I tell them how gutted I am?

"I'm fine. But why didn't you tell me he was coming?", I asked.

"I didn't know he was coming. Max invited him.", Nat said.

"I forgot they were friends.", James said.

"It doesn't matter. He came. It happened and now it's over.", I said.

"I can't believe he hasn't contacted you. I didn't know he was such an alphahole.", Nat said.

I shrugged my shoulders, because honestly neither did I. He was always considerate and thoughtful and went out of his way to care for me, but a year can change a guy. Maybe it is true. Alpha's have no respect for omegas.

"Fuck him. Let's get drunk and sing bad love songs.", James said.

James poured wine into their coffee mugs and made a toast.

"To Omegas! We don't need no stinkin' alphaholes."

We put the wine to their lips, but only my friends drank. As soon as the earthy smell of the chianti hit my nostrils I gagged. Quietly, not to make a scene, I made my way over to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth.

"Speaking of alphaholes, how is Max.", asked James.

"Max is not an alphahole!", Nat said.

Nat looked adorable with a little red wine stain on his lips and teeth and James reached over and pinched his cheek.

"Okay, there is one good alpha in the world, and you got him. Better?", asked James.

Nat cracked a big grin and took another gulp of wine. He looked around.

"Where did Nhu go?", asked Nat.

"I think he went to the bathroom."

"He left his wine untouched. Do you think he is okay?", asked Nat.

"He told me he has a stomach bug, but he hasn't been doing well since we saw Zee. I guess now we know why.", James said.

James was almost done with his first glass and Nat refilled his coffee mug with more Chianti.

"I can't believe he treated Nhu like that. I did not want to say it in front of him, but that was a pretty crappy way to treat a friend. To treat anyone. I don't think I can hang out with Zee again after knowing what he did to our baby.", Nat said.

"I'll rip his face off if I ever see him again. I hope he and Janis get married. They deserve each other.", James said.

"Yeah, she was always horrible to all of us, especially NuNew. I always thought she was jealous because we were omegas. Betas can get insecure when dating second genders.", Nat said.


"Biologically, Alpha's and Omega's are more suited towards each other. Betas can't meet their needs. They can't mate, for one, and it's more difficult to get pregnant. For an alpha or omega to have a marriage with a beta means they will be unsatisfied for the rest of their life. That's why a lot of them are on suppressants.", Nat said.

"But I see mixed couples with kids all of the time.", James said.

"Those embryos are created in a lab and then inseminated, or other means. I mean they can have children naturally, but it's rare.", Nat said.

"How do you know...Oh. I forgot your dad is a beta.", James said.

"Nhu has been in there for a while. Go check on him.", Nat said.

James went to the bathroom door and lifted his hand to knock but stopped. He turned back to look at Nat.

"What?", Nat mouthed.

James came back to the coffee table.

"He's throwing up.", James said.

"Poor baby he is still sick. We should call it an early night.", Nat said.

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