MooMoo's POV Event June 18

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Hia has a business meeting he cannot get out of, and I am distracting myself with a nice bath. I can't stay in too long because the hot water in the bath can hurt Strawberry. But ten or fifteen minutes of bubble bath bliss is fine. My belly is so big that I can't cover it with water. It looks like an island in a sea of bubbles.

Star is moving around, and I wince as she steps on my bladder: now I need to go to the bathroom. I let out a little sigh of disappointment. I guess bath time is over. I am very careful when I get out of the tub. I am ungainly and very pregnant. If I fall it could be bad. Hia may be a little upset when he comes home. I wince in anticipation of the lecture.

Grabbing Hia's robe, I snuggle into it. I love how he smells. After I finish up in the bathroom, I make my way to the bedroom intending to get into bed check email, and look for a new mobile for Star's room. Suddenly I feel a tightening in the front of my abdomen followed by a pain like I have never experienced before. I stagger down the hall and make it to the bed. Is this a contraction? What else could it be? It seems to go on forever and then it is done. The lack of pain is euphoric.

I have a few weeks left to my due date, but Dr. U. explained that that date is flexible, and I am technically considered full term. Meaning the baby can come at any time, but it is unlikely that I am in labor right now. It is more likely Braxton Hicks or Prodromal Labor, AKA false labor. Dr U. told me I have a higher chance of this because I am male and as a male, my body needs to "prepare." Lucky me. The other answer could be Strawberry is not in the head down position but is feet down or breech.

All this is running through my head as I try not to overreact. My water has not broken. There is no discharge or a mucus plug. All I can do is wait and see and start a log to keep track of time.

After about fifteen minutes my abdomen tightens again. It hurts. I get up and try and walk it off, but it does not help. The entire episode lasts 45 seconds. It happens again, this time 13 minutes apart. I get excited, maybe this is it. Should I call Hia?

That is when I hear the purring. It sounds like a little motor.

"July?", I ask.

Sure enough, I see his grey fuzzy head pop up over the side of the mattress, at my feet.

"Not now July. I can't right now.", I say.

I am not up for one of our epic battles. We have had a cease-fire of sorts since he choked on the mobile. I hope he is not smelling weakness and coming in for the coup de gras.

July leaps onto the bed and warily walks over to me. He is still purring which I take as a good sign. It's a good sign, right? Then he completely surprises me by sitting on my lap, what's left of it and, snuggling up against my lower abdomen. My hands are in the air ready to strike, but I let it happen and his vibrating warmth is soothing.

When the next contraction comes, it is 14 minutes apart, and it is not as bad. Having my vibrating heater seems to help. A strange kind of feeling builds up in my chest and gets stuck in my throat. I tentatively stroke July's head and he rubs his face into my hand and the purring intensifies. He then gets up and marks my hands and belly, so I douse him with pheromones. Pretty soon we are both lights out on the bed.

Later when I wake up, he is gone, and I hear Hia walking around the house singing to himself.

Was it all a dream?

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