Zee's POV July 5, 2026

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It was easier than usual to find a parking spot tonight. I didn't even have to circle the block once. If this had been prime time hours, I would have spent 30 minutes driving in an ever-widening orbit around the venue until I lucked out. You would be surprised by how far you are willing to walk after wasting your gas for 25 minutes. 

Parallel parking in between two cars, I turned off the engine. I could see the entrance to the club and this started an avalanche of reservations about coming here uninvited, I stared blankly at the dash and dredged up the courage to get out of the car and go find my kitten. I hated that we fought. 

Film was seated next to me in the passenger seat and whatever was going on in his head made his hands tremble. My fight with Nhu was nothing compared to what Film was facing. He really blew it with James. When Film called me this evening desperate to find James, it did not take much to convince me to go with him. I just hoped Nhu wouldn't be angry at me for showing up.

Looking at the gaunt nervous man in my passenger seat, I could not believe this was my cousin. The normal radiant alpha with movie star looks and a model's body looked like shit. If I had seen him on the street, I would have thought he was some kind of drug addict. How could someone change so much in a few months?

He told me about his fight with James and I was shocked. What possible reason could he have for lying and disappearing like that? All Film would divulge to me was that he was on the hunt to unravel the mystery of his parent's death, and close to finding his parent's killers. When I asked for more details, he stopped talking. Only saying it was dangerous.

It's not that I did not understand why he didn't tell James what was going on, I did. It was the same reason he had not mated with him. Film was trying to protect him. His investigation could get dangerous and anyone close to him could be in the crosshairs of his enemies. 

I would have been tempted to do the same thing. There was no way I would drag someone as sweet and pure as NuNew into the twisted mess that was our family. So, I understood, that the less James knew, the safer he was. But how had Film made such a mess of things with James? And why couldn't he give me any details?

"Come on, let's see if they are here.", I said.

Popping out of the car, Film jogged down the street towards the nightclub. Startled by his sudden departure, I was left behind. I had no choice but to run after him and when I caught up with Film, I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to a halt.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Chill Cuz You can't go in like this. You're shaking like a junky. Let's take you to the bathroom, okay? Clean you up. Otherwise, you'll scare the boys.", I said.

Nodding his head, Film agreed and we crossed the street and stood in front of the club. Someone honked their horn and Film nearly jumped out of his skin. What the hell has him so freaked out? Turning towards the sound, I saw a large silhouette get out of the driver's side of a car. Whoever it was started walking towards us.

"Are you expecting trouble?", I asked.

"No, but it is not impossible.", said Film.

Great, way to inspire confidence. I tensed ready to act if I needed to.

The streetlight illuminated the figure from behind. Covering his face in shadows. I was beginning to worry that whatever was haunting Film, had found us. Then the figure waved.

"Wait for me, guys.", Max said.

"Max?", I asked.

"Yeah, who did you think it was?", Max asked.

I looked at Film, but he was in his own world staring at the entrance to the nightclub. His energy reminded me of a panther at the zoo, pacing in front of the bars waiting for its chance.

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