Email December 31, 2023

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To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Week 12 Happy New Year

Dear Zee,

Happy New Year!!!!! I have another ultrasound picture for you. Look, our little baby. My heart is a puddle of mush. In a month or so we should be able to find out Strawberry's primary gender. I hope you are here for the big reveal. If not, I will tell you first in an email before I tell anyone else.

In two days, I will be in the second trimester. We have made it 1/3 of the way! I am taking very good care of myself Hia. I promise. Dr. U. was concerned about my blood work, but we are going to monitor very closely. I will go see her every week now. If it does not improve, we have options so don't worry Hia.

I am all moved into my parents' house. I may have been a little special the day we moved my nest. I am kind of glad you were not here to see that. I had no idea I was capable of such hysterics. OMG! Lucky for me I have three omegas helping me, and they knew exactly what to do.

I am in good hands Hia. My dad is protecting me. My mom is guiding, and helping me, and I have two incredible besties who are supporting me. So don't worry about us. All you need to focus on is coming home!

Wish you were here to celebrate the New Year. The year our baby will be born. We miss you. Remember to look at the stars tonight and think of us. We will be looking at the night sky and thinking of you.




Week 12 of your pregnancy is Dec 26, 2023 - Jan 01, 2024

The kidneys can now secrete urine and the nervous system is maturing. You baby may be curling all 10 toes, practicing opening and closing fingers and sucking a thumb. And mom should have gained from 2-5 lbs.

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