Event November 29, 2023

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Nat's mom is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, and his dad is an OB-GYN nurse. That is how they met. They were both interning at a hospital. It is a sweet love story. The Uareksit's have known me since I was in middle school. They are close with my parents, and I trust them.

Nat got me an appointment to see them right away. I feel a little awkward, I won't lie. When Mr. Uareksit draws my blood, he keeps the conversation light. I know he is worried because he is trying so hard. He squeezes my shoulder and leaves the room with a jar of my urine, and a flask of my blood.

Ten minutes later, Dr. Uareksit and Mr. Uareksit come in together. They are professional, like I am a real patient. I guess that is what I am now, their patient.

My brain is still not processing what is happening. I am only 23 years old. I am not in a relationship. They must think I am such a slut. This is what I am thinking about when Dr. U tells me that the urine test confirms I am pregnant. I must look bad because they both drop their medical professional personas, sit on either side of me, and hug me. I start crying.

All I can think about is how my life is over, and how I am going to live in shame. A single omega raising a child alone. Or not alone. I guess I am supposed to tell Zee, but that is the last thing I want to do. Hunt down the alpha who had sex with me and then abandoned me. Because if we are being honest, that is what he did. I cannot imagine telling Zee about this. It is going to ruin his life too. What am I supposed to do, contact him over Instagram and tell him, 'Congratulations you are going to be a father?'

How am I in this mess? I had sex one time. ONE TIME! And it was with someone I loved for so many years. Someone I have been saving myself for. I thought...I don't know what I thought that night, but it wasn't what he was thinking. That was obvious from the way he snuck out to avoid talking to me. Now I am pregnant with his child.

I think I say a lot of this out loud because they are both holding my hands and telling me that everything is going to be okay. Then Dr. U has me lie down and open the paper gown so she can do an ultrasound. Mr. U squeezes some goo underneath my belly button and then sits down next to me and holds my hand.

"This is my favorite part. When the parent sees their baby for the first time. It is a magical moment. Thank you for sharing this with us NuNew.", said Mr. U.

We all look at the screen while Dr. Uareksit moves the sensor around until she finds a tiny black blob. She starts measuring things while I stare at the blob that, as it is magnified, takes on the shape of a tiny baby blob. With eyes, a mouth, tiny hands, and feet. Mr. Uareksit does something and there is a pop and crackle of a speaker and then I hear this Whoosh, Whoosh sound. Whoosh, Whoosh. Whoosh, Whoosh. Whoosh, Whoosh. I am listening to a heartbeat. My baby's heartbeat. I am looking at my baby. My baby. There is a baby inside of me, right now.

This strangely proportioned little blob that is the size of a strawberry is my baby. I am having a baby. We all smile and laugh. I start to cry which sets off the Uareksits. The three of us hug and I start to giggle, and then we all giggle. I am having a baby. That is my baby, a baby.

Someone knocks on the door and hands Mr. Uareksit some paperwork and the two of them pour over the results together while I stare at my little strawberry. Who I am already fiercely in love with. Like nothing I have ever felt before. Any doubts I have about keeping the baby, keeping my little strawberry are gone. I don't know how I am going to do this, but I will.

Suddenly I am irrationally worried. Is the baby, okay? I look at the Uareksit's and they don't appear to be concerned, and before I can ask, Dr Uareksit tells me everything looks fine and that the blood work confirms what she is seeing, and lines up with the conception date. I am 9 weeks pregnant. The baby is healthy. I am healthy. I need to start taking prenatal vitamins. She recommends that I wait three more weeks until I am done with the first trimester, to tell anyone but immediate family.

I am having a baby.

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