NuNew's POV May 5, 2024

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I have never fought with Hia before. We have bickered here and there, but never a fight. I know I crossed a line, but he said I smelled and had to take a bath. Doesn't he understand I was having nest time? I don't want to have a stupid bath. But when he said I was a stinky kitten. I marched my pregnant butt into the bathroom. What he should have done was to let me relax and calm down but no... he had to offer me macaroons.

The next thing I knew I said some bad things and Hia burst into the bathroom looking like a crazed alphahole. What happened after that can only be described as a calamity. I cried. Hia tried to hug me and apologize. I pushed him away. He hung on and... Then we were both in the tub.

Hia looked so frustrated that I forgot what I was crying about and began to giggle. He just sat there gaping at me while remnants of my pregnancy peach bath bomb dribbled sparkly glittery glops down the side of his face.

That broke the spell and we turned Hia's accidental bath into a game of sexy slip-and-slide. We will be finding glitter in inappropriate places for the next week.

At least he got me a cute new outfit to put on. How he knew he would need an I am sorry I called you a stinky kitten present, I will never know. I do know that it worked, and I am not the slightest bit mad at him. When did I become this superficial? LOL

I better go. Hia made lunch and is calling for me.


"Surprise!", everybody says.

Staring out at the faces of the people I love the most, I am stunned into silence. Somehow while I was taking a bath, our home was transposed into a baby shower. My baby shower. Synapses start firing and I look at Hia who has a huge smile on his face. I bury my face in his neck as I realize. Oh no.

"I am sorry, Hia.", I whisper.

He pulls me in as close as he can and murmurs in my hair.

"I am sorry too. All is forgiven."

"I love you, Teerak.", I say.

"I love you too, kitten. I can't wait to have a baby with you."

Everyone is here. My besties, Mom and Dad, Mr. and Mrs. U, Film and Max... Max! My eyes widen when I see that Max and Nat are in the same room together. I look over at Nat who shrugs and smiles. I smile back.

Everyone gets in line to hug me, and I start to get panicky. It is not that I don't want to hug my friends and family, but I'm pregnant, and I can't stop how I feel right now. Hia quickly stands in front of me and rumbles.

"Okay everybody, step back. No hugging today. You are going to have to wait until after the baby is born.", Mr. U. says.

Everybody knows by now what it will be like for the next few months. Probably even after that, unless you can catch me without Star.

I stand next to Hia and watch my most beloved people. Max pulls Nat onto his lap and lays a big kiss on his lips. Film is busy flirting with James and James seems to like it. (James and Net broke up a few months ago.) Mom and Dad are passing out food, and Mr. U. is handing Dr. U. rolls of toilet paper. What is that for?

I look at Hia and he is looking back at me with his bunny teeth. Everyone is happy.

At the same time, Hia and I get a text message from Gun.

Gun: Happy Baby Shower.

NuNew: Wish you were here.

Zee: Thanks, bro.

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