Handwritten Letter January 21, 2024

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Dear Zee,

I am sure you are surprised to see a letter from me. This nice man agreed to hand deliver it to you because we urgently need you back. Please thank him for me.

The night we...you know...I got pregnant. Take a deep breath. It's real, it's yours. I am 15 weeks pregnant. Are you breathing? I have attached copies of the ultrasounds so you can see our baby. I call the baby Strawberry.

We need you to come home. I need my alpha. Strawberry needs her dad. We need your pheromones. I am writing to you from the hospital. Strawberry is fine. It's me. I can't give Strawberry your pheromones, but my body is trying anyway. My body was not made to do that, so it is slowly taking my life. We tried hormone therapy, but my body rejected it. We are fine right now. But we will not be if you don't come home now. The doctor gave us one more month before the damage was irreversible.

I am begging you, Zee. I know you have only had a few minutes to process that you are going to be a father, but I have had months. Months of fighting for Strawberry's life. I don't want Strawberry to disappear from this world. I don't want to leave either.

I forgive you for leaving after that night and disappearing without saying a word. I will forgive anything if you come home. Please your omega and your pup, need you desperately.

In case this letter does not reach you in time and we miss each other there is something that I want to tell you. I have liked you since the moment I first put my eyes on you. All through college, and after you have been in my heart. It was always you, no one else compared. I like everything about you. Your kindness. Your sense of humor. The way you smell. The way you look. You are my sun.I don't want to miss the chance to tell you how I feel. Even if I cannot see your face. Even if I never know how you feel. I wanted you to know about the love I have carried for you all these years.

The night we made Strawberry, was like heaven. It was more than I ever imagined it could be. You were so gentle and loving. The way you made me feel was perfect. I was never afraid and trusted you completely. I never knew I could feel like that with someone.

Isn't it ironic? For 5 years I waited for you. Once I finally gave up, you came and took me, and we made Strawberry. Though I would have preferred we courted first. LOL

I don't know if you care for me, or if I was just sex. I don't know if you can grow to love me, or if you just want to co-parent. I have no answers to anything, but right now none of those matters. Right now, you need to come home and save us. Everything else we can figure out, okay?

Come home, my alpha.




If I can get discharged, we are going into hiding. Your parents have refused to contact you via satellite phone and are trying to force me to give up Strawberry. Call Max, he is the only one who knows where we are.

Please let me know as soon as you can if you are coming.

When we are reunited, there might be an alpha around. They are a surrogate for you. It is a treatment strategy, prescribed by Dr. U. Instead of going alphacrazy, make sure you thank this alpha because they probably saved our lives.

I can't wait to see you and introduce you to Strawberry.  


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