Zee's POV August 6, 2026

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Nhu had disappeared into the bathroom, and he had been in there a long time. Normally I would leave him be, but I needed to go to work, and my electric shaver was in there. I knocked quietly and heard a muffled reply.

"Kitten, I need to go to work. I only need ten minutes. Can I get in there?", I asked.

I heard Nhu abruptly stand up and then he must have fallen over because I heard him thud into the wall.

"Nhu! Nhu! I'm coming in.", I said.

Pushing open the door I was startled by a wide-eyed Nhu who was standing directly in front of the bathroom door. I had never seen this look on his face and before I could ask, he calmly walked past me and into the family room. What was that about?

I walked into the bathroom and was confronted with a bizarre sight. Every flat surface in the bathroom had little white sticks on it. Each stick had a little window, and in the window, I saw lines, plus signs, a few even had smiley faces. There must have been at least 15 and the floor was littered with boxes. The kind you saw in a pharmacy. The kind that...

My heart leaped out of my chest. I reached down and grabbed a box. 'Pregnancy test.' I picked up another and another. All pregnancy tests. That meant. Damn it, how am I supposed to read these things.

"Nhu!", I called out.

I started matching boxes to tests. Positive. Positive. Positive. They were all positive. I ran out of the bathroom so fast that I tripped over July, slammed into a wall, and kept running until I saw Nhu calmly sitting on the couch. I fell before him on my knees and took his hands in mine.


"Mmm.", Nhu said.

"We're pregnant.", I said.

"Hmm Mmm.", Nhu said.

"We're pregnant.", I said.

"Yes, I know.", Nhu said.

"We're pregnant.", I said.

Sighing, Nhu patted my head.

"I keep forgetting it's your first time.", Nhu said.

"What are you talking about, we have Star.", I said.

"First time starting from the beginning.", Nhu said.

"Oh.", I said.



"We are pregnant."

I put my head in his lap and hugged him around the waist. I showered his belly and face with kisses. I was elated.


"Mmm", I said.

"We're having a baby.", Nhu said.

I nodded tears of joy in my eyes.

"I have always wanted to tell you that Hia.", Nhu said.

Nhu nuzzled into my embrace and sighed.

"I'm so happy Hia. Are you happy?"

"I've never been happier.", I said.

We sat there saying nothing, basking in the glow of bringing a new life into this world. When I suddenly realized. I had no idea what happened next.

"Nhu? What happens now?", I asked.

He started to laugh which made me laugh. We laughed so hard we woke up Star who came out of her room rubbing her eyes. As soon as we saw her, we grabbed her and pulled her into a family hug. Still sleepy she curled up in between us and sucked on her thumb.

Nhu was busy texting someone while I stroked Star's hair and cooed at her. My phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw an alert.

"New Appointment: OBGYN visit."

The appointment was for later this afternoon. I looked over at Nhu who had a big grin on his face. I was smiling too. I texted my admin assistant so she could cancel my appointments for the day. Nothing would ever stop me from attending an OBGYN appointment again. Not even being stranded in the most barren place on earth. Because I already knew I would cross deserts, brave foreign cities, and travel across the world to get to my omega.

I thanked the heavens for giving me another chance.

This time, I would be here for everything. Nothing was more important than the three, no four people I held in my arms. Nothing.

The End

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