NuNew's POV Event June 1, 2024

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I made it and I am so glad I did. There are people here I have not seen since university. Everyone is so happy for us. So many people want to hug me, but Hia is guarding me. He has been getting more possessive lately.

When I came out of the bedroom ready to go to the reunion, Hia took one look at me and his jaw dropped. Then he stood up and tried to push me back into the room to change. He got jealous and thought I looked too pretty. Silly Alpha.

'Looking amazing was the whole point of I am pregnant and divine?', I said and did not change.

Right now, I am sitting between Nat and James, and we are watching our three Alphas talk. They are loud and happy. The three have become such good friends. Something good came from those 4 rough months.

"So, what's the tea on you and Film?", Nat asks.

I am dying to know the answer, so I tear my eyes away from my alpha and tune in to the conversation. James blushes and looks at Film.

"He is wonderful.", James says, in a whisper.

He looks back at us and has tears in his eyes. Worried I start to reach for James, but he speaks again.

"Someone like me does not get this lucky."

Someone like James? James is amazing, what is he talking about?

"He said he wants to court me and prove to me that he is worthy to be my mate.", James says.

"If he asked me right now, I would say yes. I am in love guys. But I am so scared.", James says.

"Why, baby, why are you scared?", I ask.

"That I will get hurt when he meets someone better than me and I will be brokenhearted."

"What do you mean, 'better than you?'", I ask.

"You are amazing. Film is lucky to have you.", Nat says.

"You have to say that because you are my friends.", James says and gives us a small smile.

"What is going on with you? You have never talked about yourself this way.", I ask.

James looks at Nat and then down.

"It's nothing guys. I am a little overwhelmed, I think. I have never fallen in love, and it is scary.", James says.

We both give our bestie a huge hug. We whisper positive things to him, and coo at him until he is smiling again. I give Nat a look behind James' back asking with my eyes if he knows what is going on. He shakes his head but looks at Max. I think the two of them are keeping something from me and it has to do with Max. Is James still upset about New Year's Eve?

My thoughts are interrupted when Zee walks over to me and Max, and Film springs into action and goes running across the bar. I can smell their pheromones from here and they are angry. I crane my head past Zee to see what is going on, and then I see her.

That fucking bitch.

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